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Merry christmas! Hope you have a nice time, with family or hecc even alone! Also quick update but important. I'll be pausing patreon during january, cuz this month has been too much messy for me, between teeth and other stuff the schedule got ruined (and also the will to do stuff in general, to be honest at some point), I gotta catch up what I didn't do this month. So yeah it'll start charging again 1st february. About the sketch, did work a bit on it this last week, it's gonna be a big picture and not a standard vertical illustration, probably gonna post soon these days, (I already posted a few updates on discord if you haven't seen btw). So yuh you can expect that soon, anyway have a noice day! 

(also PS: selfish note, thank you for sticking with me. Between teeth stuff and me going offline for different days, you would expect people leaving in mass, instead got nice cheering supporting messages, even from other socials. You guys believe in me/what I do, more than myself. I'm still a big doubter, so yeah I appreciate your support, thank you so much!)