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Hey guys, Devilizer here!

Happy new year to everyone! I hope the holidays are treating you all well, and that this new year is starting off on the right foot!

This month, we have a bit of a different update art-wise, as my focus wasn’t on CGs but on sprites. Just like I did to Zach last month, I reworked and redrew some of the oldest sprites in the game, mainly, Russell, Bryan, Carlos, and Chris. Even if it’s only been a year and a half or so, my skills have improved, and I felt like the older sprites didn’t do the characters justice.

While I was hoping to get them all out of the door for this build, the holidays and the general surprising amount of reworking I had to do for some of them meant I was only able to finish Russell and Bryan in time. Chris and Carlos will be out next month, so for now, they still have their old sprites.

Bryan is mostly a straightforward update, fixing his anatomy and upgrading it as best I could. I’m really proud of how he came out, and I think he looks the best he’s ever had.

Russell’s was a bit harder to pin down, as his sprite is one of the first one I’ve ever drawn for the game, and as such, wasn’t totally confident in my abilities yet. The changes were a lot more numerous than I expected, but in my opinion, all for the better. Thanks to feedback from our patrons on Discord, I was able to make him as close to the original as possible, keeping everything Russell that we know and love.

I’m also really proud of how Russell looks now, and I hope you guys will like him as well. Feedback is always welcome, so don’t hesitate to jump on our server and tell me what you think!

Anyway, I’m taking up space, so I’ll leave it here for now. Next update should be pretty consequential, expect several CGs and sprite reworks. Lots of work ahead, so I should already get to it!

Take care everyone, and thanks for being with us,



Happy New Years everyone!

Remember what I said about things ideally going according to plan last month? Yeah, that was a bit of an anti-prophecy. I knew going into day 8 it was going to be a challenge, but I still managed to get blindsided by it, hehe…

However, on the flipside, that is what makes this day particularly fun to handle. There are so many moving parts, motivations, and subtle plot details that’ll have far reaching implications, it’s tough not to be excited for the writing even if it intimidates me.

Just to get an idea of what went into this event, I had to scrap 90% of my original outline for it that I’ve had prepared for well over a year. Things had changed so much since then and the characters have grown well beyond the boxes I initially had them in, I needed to basically start from scratch. And I did.

Several times, even. I think the entirety of day 8 went through at least three outlines before I settled on a chain of events I’m proud of. It can be hard to get everything you need done in a short time frame when you’re constantly going back to the drawing board, but I think this month we have a very satisfactory setup for what Is going to be a climactic conclusion to Act 1 of Santa Lucia.

I look forward to hearing any thoughts and theories you have and hope you’ll stick around for next month’s build, which is when things should start getting spicy.


Build 16 Notes:

+ First half of day 8

+ Added choices to some of the earlier branches that had only one option (this is a WIP, more will come soon)

+ Sprite revamps for Bryan and Russell

+ Modified sprite element for Carlos

+ Adjusted volume of certain sound effects

+ 2 new songs added








So time for another round of feedback/reviewing. As always, to all patrons who haven't had a chance to play this update, this is your chance to stop reading this. Firstly, I commend the work done on redoing the character sprites. Not sure if I'm getting the terminology correct, but I like the more defined lineart which makes the characters pop more when they're onscreen. Secondly, I'm really glad to see Ben apologising to Bryan for his behaviour. As a player it was really frustrating seeing him take out his general feeling-crap on his friends. No matter how sick we're feeling or how dark a space we're in, there's never an excuse to snap at someone close to you like that. It was a really big step towards Ben being a character I'd like to spend a lot more time with. And lastly, just generally impressed with where the story's going. The devs mentioned some additional dialogue choices in earlier days so I think once Day 8 is complete (due to the size of the next update) I'll just cop it and restart my playthroughs to get a more authentic experience, given the likely streamlining of previous days when it comes to dialogue and sprites. So all in all, thanks for another great update and I'm sure myself as well as your other patrons will be eagerly awaiting.


I like the old russel sprite as well looked more "realistic" if that makes sense


Yeah, I've found sprite changes in other games to be the thing that takes the longest to get used to. Give it some time, I think, it'll start looking better the more distance you have from your feelings about the old version.


I get that, but he had fundamental anatomy issues that desperately needed addressing that unfortunately weren't small. Give it some time, you'll probably get used to it quickly.


As a Latine furry, I'm so proud that Carlos is getting this much attention.


Heya guys, I hope you don't mind me messaging about this here (the DM page didn't load for me). Before Russell corrects Chris about not saying "Ben", I noticed Chris using "Ben" here: https://postimg.cc/w1NQtpnX. Not sure if this was intentional or not. Also, Chris is Aussie so he'd say "mum" rather than "mom". Not really an error, just something to consider for more "Aussie authenticity" lol. I've enjoyed seeing the Australianisms pop up but not being stereotypically overused. Really enjoying the game and am looking forward to future updates! Best wishes!


Ah, nice catch! That wasn't intentional at all. I just fixed it in the code, so it'll be in the game next build. Thanks for the tip on the Aussie linguistics, hehe. I'll have to comb over Chris's lines the next time I get the chance, that definitely sounds a lot more Australian than "mom" lol Glad you're enjoying SL!