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Heya guys!

We've had a huge surge in support the past two months! We managed to reach one of the goals I've been looking forward to: Development of the first additional route for Santa Lucia!

With the $750/mo goal out of the way, Russell's route will begin development. You may not have noticed, but I've already made preliminary preparations for this event, as players will likely have earned love points with the lion in-game through certain choices they've made. There's a lot of work to be done now that we have enough support to justify working on him, so he likely won't see route content beyond the baseline I already had prepared for Act 1. As we get closer to Act 2, I'll figure out how I'll balance updates for the four husbando routes.

Thank you again, everyone! Your support helps to make Santa Lucia the best it can be!





Aww yisss, Russel's my favorite~!

Kilik Odagawa

One step closer to the Aussie >:3


I can't wait to lick all the way to the sweet core of this kitty.

The Mysterious M3tav0X

Imma be honest; I saw Russel at the start of the game and just thought to myself "Yes! You! You are the character I'm going to be unreasonably attached to!"