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Here's the full sketchbook for December. I'll have the exclusive out soon. I keep scrapping stuff because the poses and angles look too similar to stuff I've drawn in the past, and so I might do something a bit different for the early access pic

Here's the pages of some people whose characters showed up in this sketchbook.
https://twitter.com/Driiadi (Rill belongs to her)




"dare wip" would be an amazing exclusive to finish. ;D I've commented that a couple times, but I figure I should ask if it's annoying or pointless. Do you actually consider finishing stuff in the scrapbook, or does its presence there at the end of the month mean it's done and you've moved on? I just ask because a few here and there really jumped out at me as fun or exciting concepts, but I don't want to come across as bugging you about it. ;P


Certain ones I do end up wanting to finish, like the dark one that I included in the post. There's still a chance I'll go back to them but I often wind up losing my steam on a lot of these In the future I might finish them in a less refined way and post a few colored sketches in place of the usual full color pics


That could be pretty cool. I understand losing steam on stuff, so you definitely don't want to burn out by constantly going back to something you already decided wasn't working. Your process seems to work pretty well though, because all the finished pieces you post are wonderful. <3