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We're discussing the new show Jury Duty in a special interview with guest Ross Kimball, who plays Ross Kubiak in the series. There are spoilers for the show throughout so be warned! 

Check out Jury Duty on FreeVee and follow Ross on Twitter and Instagram @therosskimball 



Just finished Jury Duty this past week. Loved it!


I literally binge watched it yesterday as a hangover cure for a Sunday! Griffin and Rachel McElroy sent me that after listening to Wonderful! I love it when podcasts line up and I have no idea!!!


This was such a wonderful episode and great insight on the show!

Kalli Miller-Potter

I needed a new show! I can’t wait to get off work and watch it


I suggest you should review any episode of the British series Taskmaster. It is always hilarious and has lots of fun puzzly elements and lateral thinking and such.

Maggie Reilly

I just finally watched it, so excellent!