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We're joined by actor Ethan Lawrence to discuss the UK and play a game of guessing cockney rhyme slang! Pro tip? Anything can mean ANYTHING. So give your Cape Fears (ears) a lamb (treat, because treat rhymes with 'bleat' which is what lambs do) and enjoy this episode!



This is so good. We gotta get more of these Cockney rhyming games. This is so fun and hilarious!


given that JPC has previously said he listens to Trashfuture, i have to assume most if not all of his exposure to Keir Starmer is as a recurring bit on that podcast, which would be very funny to me


Hahahaha JPC talking about "fine china"... I'm surprised Ethan didn't let him know what that means. It's what my Nanna would call her downstairs.


Oh man I haven’t heard that in that context!? Perhaps a regional thing? Either way that is excellent


Thanks for having me. This was an absolute blast. I hope everyone enjoyed it! 💜


Rhyming Cockney! Went and blocked me! On the facebook. Social media. Media circus! Ya think you're worth this? Worth this. Worthers. Worthers original? Wolverine origins-inal! Snikt, snikt, snikt! Snickers. Snickers candy. Tandy. Tandy modems, are you tellin' me I'm old enough to remember tandy modems?!


Maybe so! The added joy being, you only get it out for special occasions...


Some Aussie ones: Dead horse - tomato sauce(ketchup). Lemon spread - Head, (you're off your lemon spread mate) Not rhyming but some shortenings: Durries - ciggies - cigarettes. Servo - service station - gas station. Garbo - Bin collector - trash collector. Some phrases: Any time you can use full/fuller (had a grouse feed mate, I'm fuller than a centipedes sock drawer) I'm trying to think of the non rude ones but fair dinkum we have a lot of them

Riddy Kitties Probate Lawyer

We love you Ethan! I listened to this episode 8 times I just now realized it was you! Love this one :)


Hey, fun fact. In the video game "The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles," there is a character named Gina Lestrade who speak in a lot of rhyming slang, some of which (I believe) was made up for the game! For instance, when she refers to someone's face, she calls it their "chevy chase." I assume this was made up, or else cockney rhyming slang somehow could see the future?


Living in England, I'll tell you that so many words means completely different things here and I cringe now thinking that people think it's the same language, there must be so much miscommunication


Nope, it's authentic rhyming slang, attested from at least 1857! It's a reference to The Ballad of Chevy Chase, which is a very old folksong that the comedian is also named after.

Michael Kurowski

This entire episode was a masterclass on Adal’s Eminem impression.