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Please enter a prompt......thinking.......thinking.......COMEDY



I was catching up on this episode this morning and I lost my audio about 43 min in. Like, I could see that the podcast was still playing, but I couldn't hear it. This was right after the "unusual comedy idea" where robots are the dominant species and humans are the comedic sidekicks. COINCIDENCE??? I think not!


9 mins in I'm out of breath from laughing harder than I have in a long time, this is truly amazing


I'm first in line for 'Erin Brockoli': Erin Brockoli, played by Julia Roberts, is a broccoli expert and a single mother of three who is struggling to make ends meet. She takes on a small legal case as a pro bono work, only to find out that it's linked to a major environmental cover-up involving a local power company. As she delves deeper into the case, she discovers that the power company has been contaminating the groundwater with dangerous chemicals, and the people of a small California town have been suffering from various illnesses as a result. With her knowledge as a broccoli expert, Erin is able to use her expertise to identify the harmful chemicals and the impact they have on the local crops and the community's health. She sets out to fight the powerful corporation and their legal team, using her expertise and determination to bring them to justice and win a historic settlement for the affected residents. Despite facing obstacles and resistance every step of the way, Erin's relentless pursuit of the truth and her broccoli expertise, ultimately lead to a major victory for the community and a personal triumph for herself.

Adam Kronfeld

If my count is correct, between main feed, Patreon, SitcomDnD and Comedy Bang Bang there were six (6) Erin Keif podcast appearances this week. An embarrassment of riches.


Ellie Kemper!


This is why we love improvising and podcasting. Its ghostwritten by dogs.


You wanna be mad about empty coffee cups? Try watching any episode of Gilmore Girls. Those women are always drinking air!


I was literally thinking a couple days ago about how cool it would be if you tried this yessssss 👍

Kayla Kindig

Why did no one compliment Erin on how good she did rhyming in that one scene? It was really good!


Adal, who likes wordplay and puns, Erin, who is sleepy but still gets the laughs, and JPC, who is chaotic and inappropriate 😂😂😂