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It's another episode of Hey Connick Connick Jr! Today we're testing out new eating habits, faking our own deaths and forgetting names left and right! Romans. Be. Shopping. #WiddleWednesday


Michael Garrett Ashby II

SitcomD&D is so good!!! A few months ago, my partner and I finally gave the first episode a shot and we binged the whole series in what fell like seconds. So excited for season 3!


Which dog goes to hell? bloodhound!

Dakota Harley

Harry Connick Jr. is forever cool for Iron Giant alone


I absolutely loved the callback to the bbq episode

RadicalSniperHD RADI

Is it just me or did they basically repeat a scene concept from last week?


it wasn't last week for them though! they said at the start of this ep they took a break, and at the start of the last ad free main feed ep they said it was still 2022 when they were recording it so it's defo understandable if there was a bit of repetition in there since it was weeks ago for them