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We got a lot of suggestions of trying out Stable Diffusion as a response to our last post, so we decided to give it a go. We were originally on the fence about it; our artist has been an integral part of the team since the beginning and we would never want to take work away from her. Unfortunately, due to her inability to work and general unresponsiveness for the past year, we are out of options. It's either hiring a new third-party artist, which could present us with the same problems later on since they are too far away from the team to consistently check up on, try out AI art or just close down development completely. We have decided to try out AI art for now.

This doesn't mean that Shakie is replaced. I tend to believe that hand-drawn content is best and more consistent, so she'll still have as much work as she can handle, considering her circumstances. However, we are now planning to also use some generated art to fill in the gaps or when she is away, like she is currently.

We are currently trying out different fine-tuned models and training them in Shakie's style, to make the new content match the old as much as possible. We are also looking into ironing out some generation faults, like incorrect details, too many fingers etc. I am confident we can come to a pleasing result as soon as possible, stick the CGs into the game and release the damn update finally.

I just hope my GPU doesn't blow up lol.




I am honestly really impressed how well they came out in Ai version like wow


Well, I'll cross my fingers for it. There are a lot of issues, but I get it