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Today's question about MHC development has to do with your movement in the game. When I originally started, I thought it would be cool to scrap sprites altogether and just make a point-and-click map. However, I came to regret this decision down the line as that meant that most events needed to be written in the Common Event system rather than on the map, as the old walk-up-to-an-event-and-click-on-it system was no more. This in turn caused Common Events to be goliaths of code where you can never find anything you want during development and it just makes everything a lot more tedious for no reason.

My current plan for the game is to return to a sprite system, but this time the sprites will be drawn by hand and actually look like the in-game NPCs to better fit the setting. This move might mean that a new map needs to be drawn to better accomodate manual player movement.

What's your opinion on this? Do you support a return to sprite movement or do you prefer the new point-and-click map?



I believe open world is better for rpg games.


The point and click map is interesting but it’s a bit awkward, it’s not clear where you have to click to enter buildings. I imagine having events located around the campus map instead of just during classes and some activities would improve the main gameplay loop.


The point and click map is really annoying tbh. The open world with sprites was a lot more interactive and visually appealing imo. Definitely switch especially if it’s easier to code that way.


this is my 100% honest opinion, I was really excited for MHC I liked the idea of it more then Domina, TBH I dont even really care for Domina all that much I havent played it in a pretty long time, I havent honestly enjoyed it for any Dom after Rosita A new game called FemU Zero came out almost a month ago and that is exactly how I expected/hoped MHC would play like, and how I would love MHC to play like I enjoy your scenes, I enjoy the art, I hate the way it plays. I would love to be able to wakeup go to school, interact with the students I want to interact with and not have it rely 100% on chance, I could wander around a small map (school grounds/small town) and find who I want to hangout with. I dont know if you play other peoples games, but I honestly would recommend trying the game I mentioned (its new and small enough to warrant an entire playthrough) to understand what I mean. I feel like it does everything right, the school system, the energy/food/money system. -rant-MHC is a struggle an extremely unrealistic struggle to keep your food/energy ect at good values. I say this as a gym junkie for 60$ you can eat chicken and rice several times a day, every day, for more than a month. <_< (that part always bugged me about how expensive it was in this game lol, realistically it should have been 2-3$) lol -end rant- I still have high hopes for MHC, idc how long it takes, I enjoy your content and want MHC to succeed


honestly MHC is the game im most excited for and i like whats there already, but to me a like normal rpgmaker map feels more immersive for some reason? I dont know why that is but it does, even if its more generic I suppose. I do like where the game is going and the first girl that has a bunch of content is great and a nice slow burn that I hope the others are too story wise...but yeah I definitely agree with the...well 100% majority at the time of writing this that I prefer rpgmaker maps XD (tho without any combat tho)


Tough question. There are good fetish games that use both interfaces.


I'm fine with either really, but the sprites seem more interactive in that you make more granular decisions about things. MHC as it stands feels very random in that you go to an area and roll the dice as to what happens rather than going to an area to find the NPC you are interested in for example. Either design could support that though if you wanted to have for example a point and click option where there are just images of the girls sitting at a table or something if they happen to be there at the time. If sprites are easier to code though, that seems like the way to go.


the poi ti and click map was awful guys tf?


point and click is awful tbh, I'd prefer to choose the encounters rather than having a random chance, I even had a lot of encounters more than once in a row which is kinda annoying although I know it's just the alpha build of the game.