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Hey guys,

Firstly, I'd like to announce that we've set a date of January 28th for the release of version 0.12 beta. This is a little later than I had hoped (we're working on a bigger update than usual), so I made a short but sweet standalone Halloween special last month to try to make the wait go a little faster, which I am now making available to everyone.

In this Halloween themed tale, take control of Debbie as she is put in charge while the staff have a party. Make sure all the girls make it back to the dorms by curfew and she’ll be allowed to join the party and maybe have a shot at scoring with her crush, Miss Newman. Fail to get all the girls home and she'll get punished by the headmaster instead. If you are having trouble getting the best ending then follow this step by step walkthrough.

I hadn’t planned to do a public release of the special just yet, however, I am doing so mostly to get feedback on the French translation. This public version of the Halloween Special contains the option to switch language from English to French using the flag symbols in the main menu or at any time during the game under preferences. This changes not only the language of the dialogue but also all the map buttons and even the text in the images. A big thank you to patrons Gegecucu, Kthunda and Mortibus (plus any other contributors) for their hard work. A full translation of the main game is currently in the works and a beta version of 0.11 with French and English should be ready soon. So, this release is something of a test. I don't speak French myself, so I would be grateful for some feedback from any native French speakers out there. I’ve set up a dedicated channel on our Discord for discussion of the French version, anyone who wants to thank the creators or to offer assistance should do so there.





The game is also free to download from itch.io 


Robin Mottart

Tanks you from belgium


Ami belge, si tu as des bugs ou quoi que ce soit à faire remonter à propos de la trad FR, n'hésite pas à venir nous le remonter dans le chanel #français du discord du jeu. (Belgian friend, if you want to report any bug or feedback on the FR translation, please tell us in the #français chanel of the game discord)

Robin Mottart

That will be my plaisur


I don't mean to complain but it sort of feels like every update takes longer than the one before it. I don't mind this update taking 6 months as long as it doesn't become the new standard.


It's always been about three months on average and this update taking longer goes against the recent trend. v9 was about 5 months, v10 was 3, v11 was only 2. This update was always going to take longer for a whole number of reasons (Priti's storyline being more complex, upgrading the animations for the punishment system, and advancing several minor plot lines) and I've been upfront about that from an early stage. After version 0.12, I'll be aiming for another quick update with mostly just Faye's storyline. The thing to bear in mind is that I'm constantly working at a steady pace and the longer I take on an update the bigger it will be. The only real change is the wait times and how much you get in one go.


Great stuff. Thank you.


Can you please reply to my DM? Thanks a lot :)