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"Fun-Raising Fundraiser"

Thank you for your support this month! I'm surprised I had the time to push this out given the commitments I mentioned when I posted the lineart, but there was just enough time for me to finish it yesterday, so here it is. While imitating the style of the actual KonoSuba anime actually wasn't too difficult, the real challenge  was actually the background - when you're drawing using the mouse alone, it's a lot harder than it may seem to create a medieval-looking town square! Thankfully, I actually managed to learn a number of new techniques in order to pull off the look, not to mention a few new tricks on Photoshop for pulling off a convincing perspective. If you want to know how I managed to make the stone wall textures, check out this tutorial. I didn't go all the way through it since all I needed was the stone brick texture itself for what I was doing, but hopefully it'll help some of you, too!

I highly recommend watching KonoSuba, by the way - as isekai works go, it's one of the better ones, though admittedly that isn't that high a bar to clear lol. Still, it's as hilarious as it's engaging from what I've seen, and the dub version is also surprisingly good, especially with the voices of the core cast members! Now, if only I had the time to actually finish my viewing of the second season...

The following is included in this reward:

  • High-resolution artwork
  • An additional version lacking the Patreon watermark and with a different signature
  • A version with dialogue, also without the watermark
  • A TIFF file version with all layers

Stay tuned for the polls for the next reward pretty soon!




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