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Hi everyone

I just want to share my dedication and respects to Belzeboss, one of my first followers and supporters in the community, a guy, like all of you, who I owe my gratitude and thanks for his unconditional support, cheering me up and encouraging me from the early months I got started with our community project.

He’s been also part of Amirian Curse game project team since the scratch, offering his help and his sexy OC Lyra for one of the character roles in the game, great tester and contributor of many good ideas we’ve been working with.

A really nice guy, who I've had the honor to talk with for several months, about funny things, and not that funny facts when we had to.

Sadly, he has been living through hard times these last months since this global sickness got started, and these last weeks we weren't often in touch as before.

In a sudden message, he told me he was about to leave the community for good and the game project for personal reasons.

I’ll leave here the links to his personal portfolio with great 3D art in Pixiv and DA (warning, NSFW content):

And here, all his commissioned contributions in this patreon page:

Take care, Belzeboss, we'll wait for your return :')
Wherever you go, I hope you're fine and find peace, brother.


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