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Question for Rebecca: Now that you and the detective are developing a good relationship, will you take a hand in their training?


“Training recruits is not one of my duties. I will leave that to the capable hands of their team members,” she replies.

Farah/Felix looks to her with a frown. “But you kick ass every time I’ve seen you fight. Why not pass that on?”

“I have to agree. [Name] may get more out of training with another human than from us,” Nate/Nat adds.

She stiffens in her chair and clears her throat. “Considering the mere idea of my child being involved in any hostility or combat haunts my nightmares, I can’t see me taking on the task of encouraging it.”

Nate/Nat and Farah/Felix glance at each other before nodding.



I want to understan Rebecca, I do...but it's like she doesn't have much interest in her child...I know two of my detectives understand her, one doesn't stand her and the other really doesn't care.....but it's kind of annoying that she's not trying more. That there was a wonderful way to reconnect with her child...but, oh well..... N and F are wonderful btw hehe

Thomas Fieldburn

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh this cracks me up. Thank you Mishka


Rebecca is an interesting study - my personal opinion is that the detective is part of Rook as well and Rebecca hasn’t been able to deal (even now) with his death - like she sees Rook whenever she sees the detective etc. And I just have a feeling that until Rebecca can get to that place of healing, she will keep her child at a distance. And - of course - wanting to keep them safe, too. It’s so complicated! (Which is too bad bc - according to tumblr asks - Rook seemed to have really wanted to share this part of their lives with their child)


Yeah I know, and that is exactly why I want to understand her, because I know she is in constant pain due to Rook's death. And I also think she kinda feels guilty over the fact that she can be with the detective and well, Rook is not there to be with them when that was everything he wanted in life. And I totally agree with you, she has to heal first to be a better mother for our detective uwu