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The Detective says nothing.

The quiet of it hangs like pollution staining the air.

And the silence allows something to build in Morgan. Not the usual pleasurable building which usually precedes these kinds of things—that’s something she’s very familiar with. It’s like an old friend that she’s always glad of a reunion with.

No, this ‘something’ that stirs makes her stomach tight and her throat dry.

Maybe the human didn’t understand her suggestion. She holds back a scoff at the thought. She wasn’t exactly subtle.

The stirring continues to nag at her until she has to ball her fists tight to keep it from leeching through the rest of her body.

“You think the rest of the team would…approve?” they finally ask.

Relief beats through Morgan at the break in silence. She slinks closer, the strangling feeling from before easing at their question, and gives a smile that she knows is all kinds of tempting. “It’s just sex. It’s not like it has to get complicated.”

A gentle laugh eases out of [Name].

The stirring returns like a punch to the gut, making Morgan’s lips pinch tightly to suppress it.

“I suppose you’re right,” they reply. “Uncomplicated fun it is, then.”

Before the unwanted feeling can grow, Morgan closes the gap and seizes the kiss she’s been so desperate for since first laying eyes on this human. A kiss she’s wanted more than from anyone she’s known.

Now the familiar wash of pleasure rushes like a wave through her system. It drowns out the nagging sensation in her stomach, replaced by a growing heat which burns hotter as the Detective grasps her closer.

This is her territory now. She knows what she’s doing.

She knows the one kiss will be enough to satisfy before giving them both what they need. That’s how it always works.

Except it’s not enough.

…She’s still kissing them.

Why am I still kissing them?

No answer forms, so she continues to kiss them all the way to the bedroom—continues kissing any exposed part of them as though each kiss plants a claim they need to make.

The continuing urge for these kisses brings the tight stirring back in her stomach, but a warm touch from [Name] blankets the feeling until there is nothing left to think of but them.



Awe nervous M. How does she handle it when the detective says no? Or is she so floored over the detective wanting more she forgets? Lol

Happy Succubus

My poor Morgan, sooo dense lol