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“And you are?”

It’s a simple question, and the answer would be simple to give. But Mason doesn’t enjoy simple—especially with strangers.

Even if they do smell…surprisingly enticing. He’s tempted to saunter forward to capture the aroma. But a flash of a glance from Agent [Surname] keeps him rooted in place.

“Finding all of this unnecessary,” he quips, attempting to press himself further back away from the human.

And the detective offers yet another surprise when instead of adopting a frown, they give a half smile.

“That’s a rather long name,” they reply with a shrug. “Do you have a shorter one?”

Felix explodes with a sharp laugh, snapping Mason from the conversation and letting annoyance simmer inside him instead.

“Not so clever now. Are you, Mason?” Felix chortles, digging an elbow into his side.

He scoffs out a breath.

“He is Specialist Agent Mason,” Agent [Surname] introduces, and having his name bandied about the room has him shifting with a discomforted frown. Mason doesn’t believe in ridiculous superstitions, which is amazing considering he’s seen some weird shit, but letting strangers know his name still irks him in a way he can’t put a finger on.

The human casts an inspecting gaze over him, and Mason does his best to reveal all of his best parts. He may not like the detective tagging along, but that doesn’t mean he might not get some benefit out of them while they’re hanging around…at least when their mother isn’t in the same room.

But when their eyes fall on the crystal hanging at his chest, he snaps it out of view and tucks it away. There are some things he refuses to share, even with the promise of fun and distraction dangling in front of him.

They cross their arms. “Charmed.”

“You shouldn’t be,” he remarks, just about avoiding adding a smirk to the words. It sure would stir up all kinds of aches if the detective were to take the bait. Nothing like a bit of banter to get them both fired up, even if words are not what Mason is looking for here.

He doesn’t get the chance to savour the human’s annoyed glaring as Ava butts in.

As soon as the human turns away, Mason sweeps his approving gaze from head to toe over them, lingering on all the very fine details along the way.

He only stops when Nat throws a glare in his direction.

Guess for now, the detective will have to continue only being a stranger causing a nuisance to their well-formed team.


Oh man, I think M's was the intro scene I struggled with the most. In game and in this POV!

M is hostile and defensive, but I also wanted that draw to be there. But I couldn't let that come through to the MC in their POV in game, the only hint of it is in the teasing M does when saying "You shouldn't be." It was a bit of an invitation rather than full-on hostility for them!



There are two wolves inside of M. One wants to be cool and mysterious and hostile to the MC. The other wants to bone the MC.


The wolf who wins depends on if you do their route or not!


Gets discomfited when his name is shared, does he... *eye emoji* Also laughing at N glaring at him xD