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This week went brilliantly!

My goal for the month—to get Adam/Ava's Chapter 7 done—is complete!!!

What a way to start the year by beating my goal so early, hehe :D

I was on a major roll with writing, though, and having such a blast finally getting to write this chapter!

I'll be working on going through A's scene and editing, filling it out, etc today. But next week I'll be making a start on Nate/Nat's scene!

So yeah, super productive week :D


For Update+, I thought I'd share a little quote from the start of A's scene:

"It would at least get us there faster," ${a_she} says, turning to stare out of the window with a sudden frown. "Get this over with."


So it's going about as well as you'd expect for A, lol!

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and I'll talk to you all on Monday! :)

(I'm still waiting for quite a few replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have a message on Patreon from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet and tech, but I'll send out rewards/messages as soon as I finish work on Monday!) 



Oh, I'm betting A is "thrilled" about the whole idea :D


Gonna be one of those classic A moments. This is gonna be good


What?! A wouldn’t like the carnival?! I am SHOCKED. Totally baffled! Congrats on accomplishing your writing goal! Hopefully N goes just a smoothly!


I know, right? A just seems so up for that kinda thing :D Thank you so much! Can't wait to get my romantic swoon on with N's route ;D


Good job Sera ! You're doing amazing sweetie 😘