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Poor Gervic so shaken up even though he wasn’t even in any danger of actually being hit.


I know he went through so much but he still sounds cognitive I figured that once he was no longer bound or restricted he might be a littl more protective of himself but I guess he was broken enough that even though his situation changed and he's not openly exposed to being hurt he still cant bring himself to not be afraid.


I also wonder if Vlagg is worried about letting him go because he doesnt want to send a broken Gervic home or if there other militaristic reason. I can only imagine the retalliation of the wolves if they found out how Gervic has been treated.


Ah you got that quite right. I will elaborate more on that in the next page.


I figured there would be elaboration. I'm the type of person who analyzes things. Cause as I said in the comment above. there are multiple possibilities as to why Gervic can't leave. Either because he's broken and Vlagg not only feels bad for him and wants to help; or fears the retaliation from the wolves for bobs treatment of him. etc etc. The possibilities are endless as to why and thats why I like your comics not just for the story but the structure. you end each page in a way that you can take any turn you want and you leave it to where there is no 1 path that the next page can take making the next page a surprise or not obvious that the next page has what it has.