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Just a small update to let you guys know what I've been working on. Currently I'm getting some prototype tutorials added in, along with some minor story elements. Even though I can't do the cutscene/splash screen stuff yet, I can do a few of the visual novel scenes. At this point I have basic tutorials for all the hand tools. That will likely be where the 'tutorial' ends. As you complete each tutorial a new hand tool is unlocked. After they've all been accessed you'll get free reign to test to your hearts content. From that point on as you test and earn science credits you'll get the chance to 'purchase' a tool. Purchasing will likely be set up to be semi random. You'll get a choice between two semi random tools or equipments. Some tools and equipment will stay locked until others have been bought. (Ex. Hypno goggles won't be available until the watch has been unlocked and Jesse has been hypnotized once.) I know I'm always behind on my updates, but I'm finally feeling some real motivation again so I'm planning to have a patron release Saturday at the latest to let people test out the new tutorial. Most tools will be locked in the build, (probably) but it should at least give a feel for the opening of the game.




Grumpy pants? XD Dialogue at its finest.


If I'm honest, I'm way prouder of that line then I should be XD