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Hey guys! 

First some exciting news:  I found an editor for the first book of IAGTD! 

Josiah Davis--a professional, freelance editor who specialises in LitRPG, and worked on The Gam3, among many other things--is going to take a crack at it during the second week of September. I'm very excited to start working with him, and have been working on a preparatory edit for the past two weeks now. 

Now for the slightly less exciting news... There's something I have been thinking about doing, and right now seems like an appropriate time: I'm going to raise my first tier from $1 to $2. 

I'm doing this for several reasons: 

  • Professional editing (and getting a professional book cover done) is Expensive. 
  • Right now, the gap from the first tier to the second tier feels unreasonably big to me. 
  • And finally, one dollar just doesn't do much for me, and I feel like most people willing to donate a dollar a month, would also be willing to donate two. 

I'm sorry if it's a bit sudden, but I hope you all understand nonetheless. 

To not make the transition too jarring or unfair, I've temporarily turned the former level 1 tier into level 0, and will still given you all access to the additional chapter for the coming month. Starting from October however, only the new tier 1 will have access to the first additional chapter, and I will probably remove the level 0 tier at some time. 

P.S. If you feel like one dollar is just exactly right for you, you can of course continue donating that, and I will still be very glad of your support, but you won't receive the benefits from the first tier anymore, as I need those to entice people to donate just that little bit more.



Well it don’t really bother me much, the payment increase bit. Hope the editing goes well.


I support 23 creators. So, no, I don't intend to increase my support


You're a generous man, Samuel, thank you supporting me at all ^^