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So making this post right before I head to bed, so this might be a little quick. So I looking to release the new update to the Demo sometime tomorrow or the day after, but of course supporters can play it early. At a glance the only addition from this over the early access build is a front and back idle animation for Yui, but there is actually a lot of update in some of the coding that players would not notice in the demo, but it will be used when it comes to systems that I am working on for the full game.


Speaking of the full game, I am thinking sometime after posting the Showcase Demo 3.6 to the public, I'll probably post a Early Access game build that shows off the different platform system I made for the game and possible verity of ways they can be used in the game. I still debating on it, cause I may want to try and code additional stuff, but I'll let you all know in the coming days.


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