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So cause the update to this Showcase Demo is mostly small additions, and sense ifs very near the end of the month and still thinking on who should get access to Showcase Demo updates first. I decided I'll just let all supporters have access to am early work-in-progress on the next update for the Showcase Demo. Next month I'll have a more fix plan on early access to updates to the demo and of course you all should expect some exclusive game builds to play as well.


Currently the update features...

- New Front and Back Crouch animations have been added.

- Some tweaks to the coding done to Yui.

- Going up steps is a little slower, uses the Long Hop Animations, and cost a little stamina.

- Some systems to help Yui falling off ledges during a long hop is more smooth (Also Yui's fall speed has been increased).

- Lastly I added a simple UI that shows some of the game's controls on the top left screen.


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