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So Halloween is over, which means I should be getting back to work on Wrapturous Adventure. Namely the first things I'll be working on this month will be trying to fix up some of the bugs that people have reported when they played the randomize test build. Namely things like how the AI oddly behaves at times including becoming invisible. Along with that I'll thinking about some ways to polish up the randomize system, maybe rework the layouts a bit and such. While I do that I'll make some plan notes on the game and probably look into maybe creating a possible roadmap of the games developments.

As for Art/Animation work, I still need to discuss with Tsinji about what work he'll be doing this month.

Lastly I mention this publicly, but I forgot I should mention the news on here. A fellow artist named  Aster-Effect has joined the team and they'll be in charge of drawing the Hieroglyphs that well be shown throughout the game.

Well expect some more news in the coming days.



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