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Okay, so on the surface the additions to this test build compared to the one last month may seem small, but you should know that the additions took a bit of time to get complete.

Basically I added in a save checkpoint system in the game. at certain sections of the game, a checkpoint is triggered and save file is made. When you get a game over, instead of having to restart the level, you can load the last checkpoint. This is defiantly need for the game especially with the mechanic of the player needing to race back to the start of the level within a time limit.

Speaking of the time limit that has been implemented into the game, when you reach the end of the level there is a a stand with a Scarab that when you interact with it the exit door unlocks and the timer begins and you need to reach the exit before the timer runs out.

Lastly you would see a change in how the level looks and that because I coding a new Prototype Placeholder system that helps making the layouts of the levels much quicker to make and of course easy to remove when the level layout is set and its time to remove the Placeholders with proper assets.

Anyway, if you give the build a play be sure to give your feedback, maybe see how long it took to play. and hopefully next month will be less heavy coding and just more focus on laying out the levels for the full game.



A fan

Took a while for me to finish the level. My biggest problem was timing the double jump. I kept falling whenever the timing was off. Then I decided I had to really master how to do the double jump, pressing K, keep pressing it, then press direction button. Took over seven minutes reaching the end and then back.


Did you hold down the [K] while pressing a Direction? Cause its a Press-&-Hold to do Long Hops. Also have you check the Stamina (green bar) cause if the bar is at 0 then Yui can't do a Long Hop.