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So hopefully have a new Game Build for supporters to test out in the next few days. It might mostly be to test out things like the games Checkpoint System, the Timer system when you have to run back to the start of the level, and maybe some added obstacle to test.

Anyway main reason I making this post cause I am making a bit of a temporary change when it comes to these test builds and I wanted to give a heads up with my supporters about this change, cause it might upset some of you, but think you all understand why.

Basically I am disabling/removing the cutscenes, dialog system, visions, and capture/punishments. Which shows off many of those kinky art piece for current builds and be replace with a simple UI system that says things like "Cutscene Has Not Been Implement Yet!". The reason why I am doing this is based on a couple of things.

1- Many game events and triggers happen happen after these systems are trigger, so when trying to make new traps or new events to happen in the level I always needed to be sure to create at least some kind of placeholder cutscene so the triggers will work and making even placeholder cutscenes can be a little hassle and can distract me from getting other aspects of the game done.

2- current versions of creating these cutscenes I soon discovered when fixing up other coding that its actually more cumbersome then I thought and I am looking into an alternative way to do the cutscenes in the game. and rather delaying level layouts and trap builds, best just have a temp system that does the job until the new system is created.

3- Along with it being cumbersome, Tsinji and I are thinking on a different way to present somethings cutscenes to give a little extra life to them, rather then just being still. We don't plan to do full animation cause that would be way to taxing, but maybe some semi-animation -or- motion comic style tricks to add a bit of life to the cutscenes. Of course same as reason 2 it will require a new system to be made and best have a temp system for now.

So yeah sorry if this disappoints some of you, but hope you all understand and of course this is only temporary until I have an improved Cutscene system made and when I have cutscenes ready for said game events. Again expect some new game private game builds soon.


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