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First if you have been following the development of this game from the very start then you have seen the many changes to the game, with the main goal of making a good game as best I can with the concept, along with making it manageable to be made by such a tiny team. It's no surprise that after some months struggling and planning out the levels for the full game I soon decided on what could be the final changes to the game's design.

1 The Room/Hallways: To give some scale to the place Yui is in despite the game's levels being small, along with providing a reason for these hallways be loaded with traps, I decided it would make more sense that Yui 's only method of escaping the tomb is not traversing through the main hallways and rooms of tomb, but rather she is traveling through the many Secret Tunnels/Passageways that are loaded with traps and obstacles. Basically instead of these massive rooms that Yui crosses but can't enter due to invisible walls, the passageways are loaded with Spy Holes that peek into the many rooms of the tomb.

2 The Villains & Hiding From Them: To give the villains more of a presence throughout the main levels, and to give a more believable reason how Yui can avoid being spotted by them, instead of having them staying in a single room some progress events and traps will trigger an Villain Alert which will present a Countdown Timer. Yui needs to navigate around the level in order to find a hiding spot to hide from the villain before the timer hits zero. The classic villain hiding that people might be expecting is still present, but will be reserved for boss events.

3 Sanity Mirages: Some people have suggested a collection system similar to Sonic's Rings & Mario's Coins, and I came up with what they could be and what use they have in the game. Basically they will act similar to Sonic Ring's as when Yui hops by these mirages, they evaporate and Yui gains some of her sanity back (this game's version of health) and she of course will lose sanity if she falls into a trap or gets caught. Collecting all these sanity mirages without losing them could lead to some fun unlocks as well.

Hopefully these are pretty much the final big changes for the game. Note that I've been thinking about these changes for a while as I was planning out the levels for the full game, and I do feel like these changes will help the full game's quality as well as making it more manageable for a small team.

So expect more updates on the full game soon (Supporters will get more details and behind-the-scene news of course) and probably expect a new update to the Alpha Demo soon. Though it's possible that the Alpha Demo might start changing to become the early demo of the first level of the full game.


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