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Boy this has warn me out, but I finally did it I have created the first drafts of all the levels (with the exception of Boss levels) for the full game. for such awhile my brain had been a constant battle debating on how the levels should flow, how much backtracking, pacing, etc. which did nothing but delayed my progress on making the levels. Now its important to debate these things, but then again just thinking about weather or not these things will work or tweak won't really work until I actually build the levels out and test them. So for the last two days I bite the bullet and just made a first draft with some thoughts of flow and design, but kept forcing myself to not worry if they are not well design or work properly in the game. And have something that I can use as a foundation for creating the levels and then when a certain aspects of the levels are put together in game, then I should focus on polishing, adding, removing, and modify them to turn them into fun and captivating levels. Anyway I really sorry that my mind has got me pretty much treating what should be my first draft as a final draft. But it seems like I completely have gotten over this hurdle and very soon I'll be making these first draft levels in game for testing.

Also note that these are again first drafts, the final versions on the game levels might be completely lay out differently from what these drafts look like, but again these are the starting draft level layouts for the full game.



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