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So giving a heads up on this, but on Friday I am going to visit my family get-together, along with me getting a broken tooth (no pain) taken care of while I visit. The downside is cause dental work doesn't always happen in one visit, I might be with my family for maybe a week to possibly a month.  Now the good news is that I will be bringing my Gaming Laptop (used to build the game on that) with me so I can still do work while I am visiting, course I will not have the same amount of free time compared to being at home, so expect some progression on my end to be slow.

With that said, I am talking with Tsinji and we hopefully plan to continue to work on finishing the art/animations for the Alpha Demo, so there is a possibility that there might be more updates happening soon despite me being out visiting family.

Anyway the first 2 weeks after the Hentai Live Expo, I've been focused on ways to increase attention for the game, which is bringing some positive results. Basically, I got advice from some fellow NSFW Developers that have been successful on Supporting Sites on what I could do to help increase the number of supporters and one of the key suggestions they mention is to try to post daily on social media sites and try to post often on others websites as well.

So these past few days I mean focusing on trying to post often on social media websites and such and it does appear that it is helping. I seem to be getting like 2-3 new supporters a day and hoping this can still continue and maybe with luck the number of supporters I get a day will increases.

Now recently I did release a test build of the game to experiment with possible puzzle ideas for the game. I got reports of a few bugs from those that played the Test Build, but currently, I am unsure if I want to look into fixing them, mostly cause it is a testing build and sometimes the point of a test build is to get a feeling if the things in that build would fit/work for the full game, and I am debating on if some of the puzzles that feature the bugs are worth trying to fix so they might be part of the game. I might do an updated Test Build or maybe I make a new one soon, but unsure whether I make one before or during the family visit.

In conclusion, seeing the slow increase in the support for the game is showing some good promise, and once I reach the first goal we might soon see an increase in the game's work.



Great work and I love the game. The art style is wonderful. I found you on Redit so your posts are definitely getting out to people. Keep up the great work and have fun with your family.