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More Rich and Mike's Top Ten TNG Episodes - re:View

Rich and Mike are back! This time they have another top ten episodes? Bottom ten? top 20 and this is the bottom 10? I have no idea what's going on. Let's just call it: Rich and Mike talk about TNG episodes they like.



Die hard on the enterprise...? Please die hard on the enterprise


Love to hear their thoughts on lower decks...


I'm starting to think Mike likes Star Trek a little bit...


This is great.


So many parts

Alessio Roic

Next time, please DS9.

Alessio Roic

Also, 5 worst 5 episodes, and new STD season has started. I don't watch any of it, but somehow can't wait for you to talk about it.


That intro was incredible


Yes!! Finally!! Love hearing you guys talk about the Star Trek that doesn’t make you weep for humanity.


Do the original series next!


Hahahah 35 seconds in and I’m already cracking up...


Don't ever stop this. 20-30 next. 30-40 after that.


Top 10 ST:TNG brought me your your Patreon. Appreciate this.


Yay! Thank you for making today better.


If that mask is where my money is going, then it’s well spent. Keep it up.


These TNG rundowns are really fun! I'll echo others' ideas: a "worst episodes" TNG list would be fun, and I'd love an Original Series version too (it's my favorite).


The most exciting cliffhanger since Best of Both Worlds! Can't wait for more.


What gets ruined first, the Gremlins arms or the Star Trek Triceratops mask?

Daniel E. Passaro

I am horrified Mike owns the mask of the monster that killed Paul Winfield! Lol well good for him.👍

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Please have Darmok Please have Darmok. Not because I want my own tastes validated, but because I want to hear what I imagine would be the very interesting conversation about it. I posted this article on the last re:View, but it was in a response to someone, so I'll post it again for fans of the episode. I don't agree with all the ideas, but it's a great read: https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2014/06/star-trek-tng-and-the-limits-of-language-shaka-when-the-walls-fell/372107/


That cliff hanger was the perfect way to end this episode. Kudos!


This is what i pay for. Star trek talk from the boys


And now my Monday is even better. :D

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

The "ship in a bottle" conversation led to one of the best outtakes ever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHXg9oKoWak&t=53s

Juan Calvo

I was looking forward to this and it was much better than I expected. One thing though, not a complaint but as a more of a casual star trek fan it would be good to know from you guys why Riker is supposed to the best pilot on the ship. I mean, "the Picard maneuver"... impressing Data with that slingshot gravity trick...for me it seems like Picard is not just a good pilot but some sort of innovative genius. There has to be an explanation for this out there, but probably not as entertaining as the Red Letter Media version would be.

Marvin Falz

Conversations, can't have those in modern societies, too subversive. Where could rational, logical, scientific and civil conversations outside of reflexive groupthink possibly lead? Into the enlightened society of the future? Hopefully, enough nerds who don't give in into peer-pressure begin to speak up, and safe the day. Where's the Enterprise when you need them?

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

37:35 Why is that extra so sweaty? He looks like he's either about to pass out or questioning his life choices

Jessie Zimmer

Was not expecting this before the Halloween BotW, and on a Monday to boot. What a treat!

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

I don't know where they buy these original props (I don't know if this was the original), but man would I pay a ridiculous amount of money for Dathon's dagger and/or what I like to call "Picard's Time Flute" from The Inner Light.

Marvin Falz

Or a comparison between Original Series and TNG, because Mike and Rich usually drift off to TNG anyway, and most of the times when they mention TOS it comes down to "it's vastly inferior to TNG," and without any merit of its own or as part of the Star Trek franchise. It's like they're saying "TOS is just Kirk beating the shit out of an enemy and seducing women." I don't mind them making fun of TOS, but a bit more truthfulness towards the characters and stories would be fine. A comparison might be a nice exercise in overcoming bias.


This was cool, thanks guys!

Jessie Zimmer

They've mentioned it before, briefly. If I remember correctly, they didn't enjoy it and haven't kept up with it.


Just want you guys at rlm to know that I sincerely appreciate your comedy and your videos.


if you only posted star trek stuff from now on I would be content it puts me at ease for some reason


They could review every episode of TNG in a similar style to Best of the Worst and I'd be down for it. Or as we say in Darmok, Jack Nicholson nodding maniacally.


"Mike watching the end of Blood Debts."


Please keep doing these. This is what my soul needs.


Not to be dramatic, and this is based solely on these discussions, but I would die for Ro and Worf and Data can absolutely plan my funeral.


I am so impressed by Rich’s ability to fluently communicate in meme. I would definitely watch 90 minutes of him trying to explain the message of Turtle Dreams entirely in meme.


Buy new shoes Richard!

Marvin Falz

The episode feels really solid, it's a certain hard to describe flow of everything that happens in the video, which just feels good. And the edit of the beginning, of the re:View intro music and how it bridges the spoken intro and the first sentence after the music is just a treat. It's like total chaos and confusion. I like it so much, later, I'll examine it. :)


Knowing that this is how you spend your money ... has compelled me to give you even more of it.

Manuel Johnen

This reminded me of... how much more I enjoyed "Shakma" than every single episode of TNG... ... ... Also, no Barclay spider, again...? :/


Lovely to see a nice chat between two old mates discussing something they really really like, but it was the editing that took this episode way, way up - good work Mike!


When Mike and Rich were talking about a language that seemed complex but was actually an easier way of communication, I thought of Sign Language. It wasn’t until I learned sign language that I realized how much filler there is in the English language.


It’s a clip from The Naked Now; the episode where everybody is infected with a sickness that makes them act like their drunk.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

I've never known someone who knows sign language, so I hope you won't mind me asking you some questions I've always had. For regular people like me, vocabulary and how articulate someone is serves as a quick and messy way to gauge someone's intelligence. It's not as if I evaluate people by these measures on purpose, but if I'm, say, on a first date, it's something that is unconsciously informing my opinion of the person I've just met. For people who have used sign language their entire lives and who only communicate in sign language, is this possible? Furthermore, is the vocabulary of sign language severely reduced in comparison to spoken vocabulary because having a bunch of synonyms is just inefficient (for example, is there a sign for the word "obdurate," or is there only a sign for "stubborn"?)? Thanks in advance if you decide to reply!


I still randomly say "Shaka when the walls fell" once in a while. Them having that epi on here makes me smile.


"Remember Me" really spooked me as a kid.

Rick Drake

The universal translators worked in Darmok, but it only interpreted the literal words. It's not calibrated for a meme language.


Mike and Rich at Milwaukee


"The Game" episode appearing on this makes me think "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" - both the '50s and '70s movie versions (with some mention of the later remakes) - would make for a great re:View episode.


I wish I loved anything as much as Mike loves Star Trek...


Just spent 107 days locked down in Melbourne. Mike and Rich, you just saved 2020. Thank you


I will watch all these again, thanks! But I still would like a 5 hour long Deep Space Nine Deep Dive


I would watch Mike and Rich talk about every single Star Trek episode ever. I’m serious.


Thank you once again. I rewatched all of these TNG Re:Views. So funny! I appreciate you guys.