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Hey everyone,

Nothing too cool to show you this week I've mostly been working on non visual stuff. Creating all the template dialogue files along with just getting level transports and sequences working.

Honestly I'm going to be glad to be done with the main quest line. Teleportation between maps has always been a little unstable. I hope to get time in the near future to work on cleaning it up and looking for failure points.

I managed to get an important feature working. Honestly it won't sound that exciting but I upgraded the sequence system to run an event once a sequence completed. Typically after a character completes a set of actions it returns to whatever code it ran at the start.

I've upgraded the system to run another piece of code on completion. This was done as a way to turn off ghost people once they had completed the action. I put extra time into getting it working because if I want caregivers to be in the "world" they need to run code after running an event.

My current theory on dynamic caregivers is to give them a chance to be in different places on the island. If you run into them they have a chance to run from a selection of "events". This may not work but now I think I have most of the parts that would let this work.

That's it for now. I probably won't have any cool images next week as I will be primarily writing for the next little while.  I also hope to get the full flow from other dimension, ruined university and boss fight running.



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