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Hey everyone,

So I've been working on a bunch of combat stuff. I've added the 3 new player abilities but the'll need to be tested a bit. I also expanded the player level system. This should add another like 3 levels for the player.

So I've been working on two big changes. The biggest is this slider in the menu

I've put a difficulty slider into the settings menu. This will adjust your base health stat. This stat is then modified by level. I'm also working on adding an enemy health modifier. Editing player health wasn't too hard but enemy health was set per enemy. I'm currently adding a "setup" phase that should allow me to modify enemy health.

So the idea is that these sliders will let players modify their own difficulty but more importantly be able to give me feedback on what adjustments make the game more fun. Once I get this working players should be able to give me the modifiers they use. I can then use that feedback to put those values into system as defaults.

The second element I've been working on is expanding the "energy" system. Now I don't plan for this to be fully flexable but people have rightly pointed out that 5 energy pips is too limited. Unfortunately I sorta hard coded the max level so it was trickier to strip that out than I wanted. But I think I worked out how to fix that.

So I'm thinking of adding another 3-4 maybe 5 pips to give you a larger energy pool. My initial thinking is to link your energy pool to the player level but it might be more fun to link it to maybe an item or even a side mission. Like if I hid like 5 special figments around the island you can fight to gain more energy bars would be cool.

Anyway so that's all for now I'm going to finish getting these elements into the game. I need to test them and make sure the UI is setup to support the changes. My next tasks are to keep working on figment and player combat abilities. I'm looking at smart ways to add more ABDL elements into the combat system so that will be a focus of any new abilities going foreward.




Been thinking that there should be a slight penalty for not changing your diaper. Like naughty or a slight health debuff.


Attacks for fragments


Time out- when fragment health is low it does time out which basically skips your turn but it gives you a slight attack increase if you are naughty bc it would make you angrier


Feeding time- another skip turn attack, the figment force feeds you filling up your food and water meter with either good food or junk food(is random) and another attack makes you instantly makes you go potty on yourself .


Good baby- changes your emotional state to good


Could make that an attack/ability. For figment it's junk food and for you it's good food.

john n

looking great the difficulty needed a bit of love. just a quick question will we be getting audio for when we wet


My only concern is that energy doesn't restore after fights, so you are required to just stack food to fight more than a few times. It would be great if you recovered maybe a third or half of your max energy after every battle.


Actually one design idea I had is an automatic regain of 1 energy for every turn of the fight + a small regain aftewards. Although to an extent I do want players to be stacking food as it's a pretty important resource but I take your point


yeah I'm going to be doing a full audio pass on the game. It hasn't been a huge priority. It's on the list once I start polishing a bunch of stuff up


Since combat has that rpg feel and style have you considered status effects? Like if you have naturally regenerating stamina you could have combat effects that either raise or lower it. You could have emotional ones like (Angry: each turn gain 1 extra energy but lose 5% of hp) (messy: food items cannot be used) (Sore: Unable to perform actions for 1-3 rounds) (Sad: Energy costs are doubled) (Tired: Energy will not replenish naturally). Some effects are of course temporary or can be negated using consumables (like soda can cure tiredness and candy can sad). Some require the player to change clothes (like wet or messy) and could be negated by wearing certain diapers. Or like if you have a binky equipped you can stay calm (negate angry). Effects like Sore I imagine would be applied by enemies like the paddle ghost as a random chance and simulates your character having to sometimes "dance and rub" the sting of a spanking away. It can help create a feeling of having to plan for combat, like do you need to bring soda to negated tired effects? Should you wear a binky to counter anger? Do you need changes of clothes? Maybe some enemies are more effective against wearing baby clothes while others are more effective against non baby clothes? Hell being told by Marjorie to wear diapers to make a spanking hurt less could be a tool tip for fighting the paddle ghost since its "pain" effect would be more likely if the player is wearing underwear instead of a diaper.


Being able to gain more energy would be just the ticket, since our powers are expensive


I like the idea of fighting extra figments/side bosses to get upgrades. Have you also considered adding items that when equipped change certain things in the battle?


I'm not sure how complicated player/figment stats are in game, so I was a bit curious.


on the topic of potential QoL features, what about some sort of held item equip slot for things like lanterns or stuffies that'd work similar to the slot for scooters/tricycles, so you can hold or put them away without having to go in and out of your inventory? would be really nice for segments like the caves where you end up opening your inventory a lot to recover energy from fighting or use powers, but also need to be holding the lantern to get around, and would make it less clunky to do cute stuff like carry stuffies around