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Hey everyone,

So I've been working on some new figments for the lab and post lab areas.

The two big new figments are the Tickle Monster (the one with the tenticles) and the Labs Figment (In the lab coat).

So the Tickle monster is still in development but it's attacks are mostly physical and based around making your character squirm and laugh to loose turns.

The labs figment mostly has 1 attack called "experiment" that is going to have a semi random effect on the player. I'm putting together a series of possible effects but the idea is each fight should be very unpredictable. Choosing to stay and fight a labs figment should be risky but provide decent rewards.

The Red Crystal is just a more powerful figment crystal with a couple extra moves to act as an upgraded barrier. It will probably be used in the Directors lab to prevent access to certain areas.

The straps figment is the boss figment and I have a few abilities around binding and draining energy but I'm going to experiment with a few more ideas.

I'm also creating a few new player abilities. The three big ones are likely to be

CutiePie - Allows you to drain your own health to gain energy. The figment you target will also be unable to attack you the next turn so you don't loose a turn to perform it. This ability will also only work if you're wearing cute clothes.

ScaryFace - This is designed to end battles quickly. This is designed to smack down low level mobs. Provided the figment is low level enough you can use a low energy ability to scare them off and gain the rewards. You can't be wearing cute clothing to use the ability. 

Part of the update to these abilities will be that players will no longer be able to change clothing during combat. This is part of bringing clothing into the gameplay a little more. I might modify some earlier fights to use this concept.

NoLimits - An ability that gives you a full energy bar every turn. But you will faint in 4 turns if you can't defeat your opponent.

I'm still designing and working on new combat abilities for the world powers so they have another gameplay use as well.

After the main questline I'll likely keep adding figments and abilities for other areas in the island and side quests so these won't be the last abilities added into the game but probably the last big ones before completing the main quest. 




Does this mean we could be looking at getting a cg that would follow us and stuff


Also was wondering if there was plans to do more with the daycare like story time bottle feeding stuff like that or for us to be able to use the baby swing


The “No limits” ability sounds cool for a glass cannon style build. I’d maybe think about increasing the players health or energy pool as they level up. Because Right now half the abilities are kind of useless because they lower your health, or cost too much energy to be used effectively.


Fair warning about the balance of the "NoLimits" ability and ones similar to it, it will either be useless due to requiring a turn to use (and thus giving the enemy a "free turn") and fainting you after 3 more actions (unless the enemy faints you first) OR will be part of the "best build" in the game if something like a expensive Life Leach attack gets introduced to counteract the enemy damage. ALWAYS be cautious when introducing these kinds of "ALL OR NOTHING" abilities

The Slavin

Out of curiosity, what is the furthest place you can reach for the main quest line in the current point of development?


I’m still have trouble using “Imagination” ability. I’m trying to find the room for the hidden door to escape the lab. Can someone please help me? Be exact as possible please.

The Slavin

You have to gain the trust of the strength instructor by doing 2 fights and then talking to them they will give you a task to search for a journal. Wait until night and then sneak past the security bots to the trolley area. Grab the book and then talk to the strength instructor again. Once you have the code, wait until night and sneak into the area with the trolley and wait until morning and them continue moving away from the main lab area.


Axolotl spotted


The door isn't hidden it's actually a ladder on the secret exit. I might actually change the text on the Strength instructer to be a little more clear. But you can find the exit in the back right hand corner of the directors lab

john n

diaper animations like swinging back and forth when sagging would be a cool addition not sure how hard that is to make sounds pretty hard

john n

also i think adding different levels to a diaper wetness like wet-very wet-soaked-leaking would be cool as well

The Slavin

Actually I'm stuck myself. Once you get out, I dont know if its possible to progress the story any further than that. I've searched the island for Remi and cant find him.


omg the little axolotl ghost is so cute I WANNA PET IT.


That's a matter of rigging. It shouldn't be too hard since the diapers are clearly rigged for expansion anyway, just time consuming, which is the real issue here.


Just after you escape from the secret lab. Once out the main quest is still being developed. More to come soon


Your half right Cammi (but pretty close) the actual issue is something that has been an issue for awhile. The Diapers don't have enough polygons in them to bend nicely in that way. Made harder because diapers are bascially cloth items that can deform. So "bulging" and thickness have to be squeezed between the legs so enough polygons to make it widen will become crunched when squeezed together. If they overlap (which they sorta do once crushed together they flicker. Once streached outwards you begin to see huge flat surfaces. I'm looking into systems to dynamically add more polygons as needed to keep a good shape and then a system to influence those poygons. I have a few interesting ideas but obviously will need to test them.

The Slavin

Thank you. It's been driving me crazy trying to figure out where to go. Also the relax ability doesn't do as advertised


thats awesome to hear, Gauche! I am glad you are working on this!


would love a figment designed like a bully or something to that degree or maybe just a figment that can give the player a wedgie if they happen to be fighting while wearing undies don't know if the undies and diapers register differently when in battle but just thought it sounds cool keep up the good work.