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No cool images this week to update. I've been putting together the "mini" quests for the new area. It's more like "attending" class events when you're at the university. I've  also managed to write up the guide for the 3 main characters in the area what they say ext.

I'm keen to add two new combat abilities into the game from this area. I have a few ideas that have been on the back burner for awhile but some of them have become outmoded.

I'd be curious to know what an interesting combat ability people would like to see. Although mostly I’m looking for a mechanics based idea rather than a conceptual one. I can think of a lot of ABDL “things” but I’m thinking ideas more like

  • Ability that can change an enemies “type” to better use attacks that type is weak to.
  • Swap your energy level with the Enemy.
  • Solar beam type attack. First use charges up with a very strong attack afterwards

I’m just keen to see what things people might like or think would make the combat more interesting for them. I can’t promise I’ll use the idea but it’s always good to hear other people's opinion.

In a similar way I’d been interested to know what enemies people enjoyed fighting the most. I don’t think they are all that “unique” but I’ll probably add 2 new figments in this area too.

I test the combat in the game to make sure it’s “possible” to beat enemies. I’ve played the game so much at this point it can be quite hard to be objective especially in terms of difficulty.

It’s likely that I’ll add another 1-2 abilities after these two depending on how we go. This doesn’t stop me adding more enemies and abilities as part of the post game but this would at least get the game to the climax / final boss for the main story.

In terms of my next steps I need a bunch of dialogue for these characters to go along with their new quests. I’m also keen to add two new figments into this area although I’m not sure exactly what they will look like yet. I have a few models I created previously. But I might go with something with a more “tech” vibe to match the overall lab. Currently I’m thinking a gnosis figment/robot hybrid would be interesting.

After that I want to start bringing these elements together into the rough shape of this area. Once that is done I need to create the sequence templates (similar to the sequences in the daycare).

That’s all for now I’m going to get back to work and I hope that my next post will have a few cool  images to go with it!



I have an idea for a combat ability a move that does damage and heals you based on your rank in that Field of study


One idea for combat might be to make punch or another default ability not cost energy, but also nerf it so players can still do damage when they have no energy, just not a lot


The most fun combat experiences are the ones that incorporate babyish things. E.g the mobile that tries to hypnotise you, the one that blows your clothes away and the one that changes your outfit. It would be cool to see more things like this.


As far as fighting figments goes, I think you have them set at the right difficulty level. They are challenging and require you to work the game a little bit, but they are all beatable. I've run through the game multiple times and I have had no issue beating the figments. It sounds like you are looking to add 2-4 new figments and fighting abilities in the game. As far as figments go, I agree with the idea of them incorporating babyish things like hypnosis, changing outfit, or putting to sleep. However, if there is something more mechanically sound, go with that. As far as fighting abilities, I would like seeing more abilities like the lightning bolt one with the little purple orb we shoot from our hand. It is hands down my favorite ability. I can't believe we are at the final boss of the main story, it feels like there is so much to still do. However, it will be nice to continue the side stories. I think a tech vibe figment will be fun.


I lov the idea of being able to change an enemies type


in a general sense, the game is designed to make the player little, so all of the enemies would be considered dominant. there could be a mechanic to flip the script and embarrass the enemy. the general mechanic would be to put any abdl item already worn, onto the enemy. the enemy would be embarrassed and automatically change to the weakest enemy type for that area. the bonus to this approach is that you would be able to reduce the power of the enemy very easily, however you would need to not only need to collect extra abdl items to use during the mechanic, you would need to be wearing them before the battle starts as well. so any effect they may have on you, would have to be endured if you wished to use this mechanic.


When I first saw your demo for this game it did not have any fighting or combat system. Just a lot of abdl things and elements that I enjoy. So I joined the support of your project. But now you spend so much time on a fighing system and enemies that I have no interest in. I feel like this game is not staying fully about abdl. Would there be any opinions to keep out the combat system from the game? You can keep the story of ghosts just not the combat.


The ghosts try to baby you... so maybe an option to placate or apease them? Do something babyish like wet your diaper or get down to crawl or ask for a bottle. This could with a chance get you out of a fight, or more likely just get a break in which they dont attack cause you are being good. It'd need to be balanced with a negative cost though... maybe there is also a chance that the ghost will posses you and put you to sleep as a good baby, and that chance goes up every time you use the ability without waiting long enough between uses...


It's not a bad idea. I could add a game mode to up your power to make the combat trivial or just instantly win. I tend to talk about combat more than some other aspects just because it doesn't spoil the story. It's not the thing I spend most of my time working on.


I agree with this, I think the closer to the end of game the ABDL theme should only get stronger and stronger as the figments try to babyify you more and more. I also like CK's suggestion of being able to appease the figments by doing babyish things. A nanny type figment that doesn't attack you if you give in would be cool.


Honestly, I like the combat system in the game. It provides another level of play to the game and makes it more entertaining. If all the game was about was running around and doing abdl things I would get bored. Additionally, it feeds into the functioning of the game. You have to defeat them for the game to progress and a like that versus just progressing through a story mode. I mean other games do the same thing. In order to move the game along you need to complete a mission, such as killing something or finding something, that is what you are doing with the figments here. I guess you could replace fighting figments with solving puzzles or riddles, but doesn't really fit with it.


I do like the combat by the way! Another combat idea ight be something else to stop the figments attacking you like the imaginary friend. Maybe you could have a 'look cute' ability which would make the figments not want to attack you etc.


It would be cool to see the fart ability be used for something. Maybe an effect to the combat arena where certain move types gain a boost while others are weakened.