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Hey everyone,

So I've been a bit all over the place working on a bunch of different pieces. I'm making progress but it's slow going. I thought I would show some images of the stuff I'm working on at the moment.

I thought I would give an interesting example of why things take longer once you get towards the end of a project.

I needed to add a Patrolling Robot. This isn't something that should be that difficult. I've got code to move from point A - B and code for detecting the player and triggering other events. However, after trying to get this working I discovered there was no way to interrupt a path once an AI was following it. This is because moving from point a - b is so important in this game there are multiple redundant systems to prevent bugs.

I didn't want to complete re-write a whole new set of movement code for this one situation. Also this discovery is a big issue because I'm sure I'll have to be able to interrupt a movement at some point in the future. So this required adding a new variable on the character and adjustements to the code so that an active path can be interrupted made harder because you need to trick the backup systems into thinking that stopping half way counts as arriving correctly.

Anway that's just a long winded way of saying new features and adjustments are just so HARD at this point.

Along with this I started to get some other cool stuff in. Including the return of the punchbot. This was a very early enemy that was removed from the game to make way for fighting Tailor. But will be making a re-appearence in the labs.

I've got another world ability integrated

This allows you to see invisible things. I don't yet have many invisible objects int he world but will be adding them.

Along with that I have a few more lab specific sorta unique events and possible figments. I've also started testing a few templates with the robot characters to check for bugs.

In terms of next steps.
I need to start adding the NPC's in the labs. I have 3 important characters with mini quests to write and get working. I'll need a set of sequences for the robots to link into the main lab areas and events. I've got new combat abilities, food items, figment abilities, day night cycle events.

Just alot of work to be getting on with. So I'm going to get back to work and I'll keep showing any images of what I'm working on!




Really like the bots, hope they'll get some interesting events since they seems to be able to grab the player and baby them without warning. Are they planned to only react to the players if they're diapered already or will they be able to put the player in diaper if they wear something else?


Looks great so far. Keep up the good work.


All of this sounds amazing and complicated, we appreciate your efforts. I look forward to the next game update. How long will the ability to see invisible things last? A couple seconds? Minutes? Are the 3 important characters with mini quests new characters being added? Or are you referring to existing characters?


Wish i can see the new things but im lost trying to get out of the school at night


New characters. But very small quests. In terms of invisibiliyt. At the moment like 10 seconds but honestly it's just a number I can set. Long enough that it's useful. It also won't take much energy to use

Andrew Kutis

Sorry to bust in like this, but I have to know now. I can't wait any longer. In the next update, will you be able to buy a crib for your dormmate and progress the quest to turn her into a full ABDL? (I forget her name.) This has to be my favorite side quest in the entire game and I can't wait to see what the whole side quest will entail.


Super excited for the next update. Any news on when we'll see version 14?


I getcha. But not in the next update. It's one of my favorites too. But right now we are focussed on the main quest line. Just to give context for production there are two components to content, writing and mechanics. So the plan is once we get the main quest line at least "done" or functional. We can spend time doing all the side quests and story while I fix up bugs and clean up the main story line. That way we will work a little faster. The start and stop approach was taking too long so we are just pushing to get as much content done then we can just do nothing but side stories


the problem I have with patreon is it forces creators to update constantly, but I gotta say It'd be nice if we got a monthly build, even if it was incomplete, like a beta.


Yeah I totally get that. I've thought about pushing an update more frequently. But it's tricky. 2 big issues. 1. When I'm working on stuff it's usually fully broken. Like the stuff I've shown in the update needs to be triggered by hand in the engine. It "exists" but not in anyway someone could interact. Once it works I spend the time polishing and making it something that connects to the game. 2. Some supporters have difficulty understanding when things are in a broken state. They can get pretty angry and typically don't accept explanations. I know most people understand but the 1-2 angry people become a large issue when they start hitting your inbox. I hope once I have some of these areas working I will be able to push out more frequent updates when it's mostly adding side story content rather than larger main quest or game features


I know Its not that I mind waiting, I just dont like the subscription model when it doesn't have more than just an anual or monthly. if I payed every 3 months or so, this would make it easier for game devs who need time to create a proper build, Im more upset at patreon than anything. its just, why am I paying monthly as a consumer, and as a creator I can't begin to imagine the stress.


It's a fair point. Hopefully they bring better subscription options in the future. This type of crowd funding is pretty new in the grand scheme. I hope it's here to stay and becomes more flexable / bespoke to the needs of the creator


I agree with Littlez-Gaming, although I do think that what we have now is better than nothing. Without Patreon, games like this just wouldn't get made.


I would love to see more animations when it comes to wetting and messing