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Hey everyone,

I've got back from my christmas shenadigans. I hope you are looking after yourself and loved ones.

So I don't have much to talk about because obviously I havn't been doing much on the project for the last few days. The only thing I've been playing around with is adding a jump into the game.

I'm in two minds about this idea. The jump button won't do anything "mechanically" but it might feel nice to be able to jump around and over at least small bumps so you don't need to walk around. I don't know if this will cause a whole new round of bugs. But I'll put it into the game just to see how it goes but if I feel like it's gonna cause a whole new round of issues I might pull it back out.

Anyway that's all for now this is just a quick update. I'm planning a post next week to talk more about what I'm gonna be doing in the new year. I'm also working on an update to push out but I want to get a bit more content before I make it live.




As far as I know, jumping can lead to a lot of game bugs. I don't think this function is necessary.


Not to be pushy or anything like that, but any idea or a time frame on when the next update will be pushed out?


I feel like the games movement has been fine so far without jumping. I don’t think it’s super necessary. (I would LOVE a fast travel option)


Good way to get unstuck in a few spots. Like in the hills area or the campground. I have gotten struck a few times picking flowers and such. I’m in full support of it.


Meh, I don't really think jumping is necessary just because: - Teleports are better for getting unstuck - Babies jump? :3 - Going to probably need to add lots of checks so that jumps don't break events or conversations etc. But I'm not really that against it either, just not sure what would really be done with it other than some platforming.


Yeah that's the general vibe I'm feeling. Which is good because I don't want to like put alot of effort into it. I'll leave what I've done in. But I think this gives me confidence to be like yeah lets not make it a priority

Dayle Overton

Ok. Is anyone else having issues getting past the first loading screen? I hope my computer isn't hit with an issue...everytime i put the game on my desktop i cant even open it because it says unityplayer.dll isnt downloaded and if i click it from my files i cant get past the loading screen when i hit continue on the main menu. I doubt anything is wrong with the game itself so any tips to someone who doesnt computer too well?

Dayle Overton

Yes. The only thing that went wierd was that unity player dll file. It made me pick what it opened and now internet explorer opens with a wierd file pop up saying open or save and everytime i hit open it just keeps opening internet explorer with a wierd file pop up


jump would help to get out of some places u want to explore without having to press the Stuck button