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Hey everyone!,

Another big thank-you to my patrons! Your support gives the the energy to keep going!

This has been a frustrating few days. I've managed to get the inventory fully integrated, and as usual my to-do list didn't get any shorter I just found things I wanted to add all over the place.

There have been positive developments. The inventory now fully saves and loads, it applies anything your wearing to the player and it will even keep where items were placed. It can now also be accessed while playing the game

I'm also going to give an early warning the next demo is likely to be delayed by a couple weeks. Mainly because there are a bunch of features I added that I'm going to chat about now. So I'm going to make my devlog about that primarily!

Diapers, diapers diapers...

So this is an ABDL game, at it's core a big feature of that will be diapers. While getting the inventory running I wanted diapers to be a little more complicated than just a clothing item.

So now underwear and diapers have been put into a single category with 4 subtypes.

Training Pants,

So I've already added some new diaper types. I'll need to add texture's and polish them but they are off to a good start. At the moment they are cosmetic but will be linking into the bigger system so each one will be more effective than the last.

Mechanically this is how they work.
- Disposables will crumple when you remove them
- Cloth diapers, pull-ups, training pants and undies can be taken on and off at will
- Dirty diapers become inventory trash when you take them off and cannot be put back on
- Using diapers will cause the player to become "dirty" and you will need to wash/use a diaper change kit.
- Cloth diapers can be cleaned and returned.
- All diapers will soil the player a certain amount and have different stats, changing into a clean diaper doesn't set you back to clean.
- You can get an item to clean yourself between diapers.
- The idea is if you change regularly you won't need to clean up too often.
- If you become too dirty your power is reduced and some NPC's will refuse to talk to you.
- You will need to shower/bathe to get back to a fully clean stat.

This is just mechanically framed around personal diaper management. The idea is if you have a caregiver you can visit them and they will help you manage this.

Ideas/Future improvements
- I've considered if I want to only allow diapers to be changed by you in certain places (Change tables for instance) but I think your going to be spending enough time managing your diapers it might be just better to allow you to manage it from your inventory.

- You may want to see your character while all this is happening, but it's not hard to swap between your inventory and the world, also it would be difficult to create an animation for this that would look good. I might save my animation time for interacting with other characters, so it's a bit more special.

- I considered allowing your clothes to become soiled but again changing/looking after your diapers is fun, doing laundry is not so much. So I think I might leave it as just a character stat.

- I might create stats for diapers that would give you reasons to choose one or the other style or type, things like cost/absorbency ease of use, or re-use.

Allot of this is still in the planning phase. Currently the core inventory systems work (Things like a disposable diaper crumples after removing it). I want to put in a decent new "use" diaper system that begins to integrate some of these ideas.

The slight delay in the demo is because I'm hoping to include these new diaper mechanics, but it's going to take a little more work to get it all working.

At the moment I'm planning on allowing players to choose between dirty/wet content. But I'm debating if it's worth letting you turn the wet content off. If you had no way to "use" a diaper it may become difficult to create a version of the game that doesn't need this mechanic.

So that's my current progress, I'll hopefully have another update later this week. I'm going to be starting on the stat systems and migrating some of the clothing from the old system to the new!

Good luck everyone!




games looking really good, i was a patron a while back but some stuff came up and i sadly had to cancel, but i'm back now :D, i was playing the most resent demo and i was wondering, is wedgie guy/girl gone? as i can't seem to find them :'(


Oh yeah, just temporarily. At the time I just didn't have time to get it in. Not out of the game just pushed to the next demo!