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Hey everyone,

A huge thankyou to my subscribers new and old.

I'm fully engaged in working on the next demo. It's not going quite as fast as I'd like. It's most likely to be out early next month but I'll get as much done as I can. Hopefully I'll have a really good base done by next week and then I can polish and add more characters/dialogue.

Part of what I'm trying to do is every time something takes longer than it should. I stop and try and write a tool so that when I'm building the final game I can move faster. I want to keep content flowing once I've got everything in place.

The tricky part is each demo needs more content each time. I need to write stuff now :P not my strong suit. I'll keep working on it and hopefully when I start working on the game proper I'll work with a couple writers to help me along.

Huge thank you to people who had contacted me with information on composers. I haven't yet had a chance to contact them all. With any luck I'll get the chance over the next couple weeks. I'm juggling allot of different pieces and music isn't a huge priority yet.

Hopefully when I have the next update I'll have some good news along the lines of everything is going smoothly.

More updates coming soon!



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