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Hey everyone,

I've been hard at work on like a dozen systems and how they link together.
The new motion system is working well. It's a little complex at times and gave me a few challenges but it's in properly now.

The real challenge was getting doorways to work properly. The new movement system reaaaly objected to teleportation. 

The doors are in pretty good shape and feel nice now. I also managed to get all these systems interlinked with the new graph systems so I have far more flexibility over everything in the world.

Also after some testing I didn't like a full dialogue popup if a character only had 1 thing to say. So I wrote a dialogue bubble system. 


So I'm going to make this devlog about the current and next Demos.

Looking at my to-do list I have all the current systems working. I'm going to put all my focus onto building the next demo rather than adding new systems. I'd predict that I'll have something for you to play at the end of this month.

It may drag to early next month if I run into bugs. These demo's are so useful because they force you to use the systems and you quickly find out all the ways they can break. The more complex the game gets the more these things can break and we are starting to get pretty complex.

This demo is going to be similar to the last demo in that it won't have a specific goal in mind. I'm intending to build a small section of a town/university that you can wonder around and talk to a few of the characters. It will still let you customise your character appearance and interact with different characters. 

So looking at my global plan there will be 1-2 more demo's after this one.

(They might be combined into one demo depending on how quickly the inventory system shapes up.)
-Main game (Not a demo obviously)

The main game will still need some technological additions such as saved game systems and level loading but it will mostly be about content. My current plan is to build the main game is sections adding as I go. Giving regular updates.

Everything is going really well. I'm happy with a great and stable base for world building. Honestly I could build a game from what we have so far. But the Inventory/ability/combat systems are so that you have something to do as well as a world to explore.



Hello great work as always ^^ Sorry if someone already asked this but have you already a kind of scenario in mind for your game or you still don’t know what you will do for the story ?


I don't have the precise story yet. The current plan is discovering the islands secrets working with the locals and the university