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Doctor T'Soni decided she needed a bit of a change of pace after the Reaper invasion was thwarted. She decided to take a decade, which is only 1% of her expected lifespan, to build up her body and not worry about imminent galactic destruction. Here we catch up with her admiring her work after 6 years of training.

I don't usually touch up my renders in PS, but with this one I had to. Unfortunately the model conversion I used for this leaves a fairly obvious seam around the neck, so I had to remove that.

In other news, Daz recently updated Studio with a new PBR renderer. This piece is still with Iray, which is ray-traced, but I am interested in trying out this new renderer. If the results are decent, then my render times would be basically, or maybe entirely, real-time. That could possibly mean animations rather than image sequences, and/or more images per post. We'll have to see.



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