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Hello everyone! 

Here we are, at the start of June. Also the start of my 'art for a living' experiment, aka Patreon Relaunch. Thanks to all of you awesome people, the total support on my Patreon almost quadrupled (assuming most are valid pledges), which is the amount I was hoping to reach for the first month. It's still just a bit over third of what I'd need to be able to do art on Patreon full-time, so hopefully the support will grow even more over time to enable that some day in the future. 

The billing for June's pledges has begun and I'm eager to see what the real total ends up being. The total determines how much new art you'll see from me, at minimum. Even if the total doesn't reach $600, despite the projected total being that much at the end of May, I'll still probably do as much as that level of support is worth, at least for June.

That would mean 2-4 fully colored works, of which at least 2 are high resolution, and one exclusive to pledge tiers from $5 up. I will also be doing at least one commission this month, and some sketches for the $60 tier patrons, if they choose to make their requests this month. (Some commissions may be private, so occasionally you may not see those. It's pretty rare though.) I don't think I've ever done that much art in one month during my time on Patreon, so it should be pretty awesome. I may also do some promotional and utility goodies, like Harmony chibis and stuff.

Also, after the pledges for June have been billed (Around Monday/Tuesday, to make sure everyone has had a chance to fix any payment issues), I'll be sending out some bonus goodies as thanks for being part of my Patreon relaunch. I'm pretty sure there's something for all pledge tiers.

Those of you who haven't been on my Discord server yet, I do recommend coming to hang out sometimes. The Patreon help center has articles on Discord if you need help. Those of you who are just lurking on the server, by all means, join the fun discussions too. I can be found on the server regularly, and most of the time I have Discord open on my second monitor, so I notice any activity pretty easily. Time will tell if that's too distracting or not. xD

On Monday I will begin working on shiny new art in earnest. I plan to try and stick to a proper 5-day work week, with Saturday and Sunday being days off.



Exciting stuff!


Lets the butt-stuffing begin!