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Pledge Total Status

First, let me express my gratitude to everyone for all the pledges. I honestly wasn't confident the total support could reach $600 (my original minimum goal) by the start of June, but right now it's looking realistic, being currently at $580 and still almost a week to go. Though to be blunt, I'm quite convinced that at least couple of pledges are frauds, as they have the telltale signs of such. Celebrity names, photos as avatars, pledging inconsistent content creators, etc. I'm gonna give these a chance though, just in case, but I'm expecting the true total to be at least $6 less.

I will also be going through declined pledges next month and see how many are abandoned accounts or otherwise having been declined for a long time. If you identify yourself as such, expect a message from me in near future. I won't be blocking anyone for a few months of money problems, but half a year or more of declined pledges might be a different thing.

I'm now on pixiv too!

I recently created an account for pixiv (or, well, started using one I had created probably a few years back) and am just finishing up submitting my latest works there. The versions I submit on pixiv will have mosaic censoring for the Japanese audience, as apparently too much uncensoring can cause trouble. For now I'm adding links to uncensored versions in my Twitter and Hentai-Foundry galleries alongside. Hopefully my art catches the eye of a few people on pixiv and gets me a pledge or two extra. ^_^

Here's my pixiv account:

Reward Delivery Plans

So, let's talk about reward deliveries. Some of these may still change, but should give an idea of how things might work. By all means, share your opinions and thoughts. I'm listening! :)

In a nutshell, Rewards from tiers $1-3 will mostly be shared in my Patreon feed. You'll get email notifications when I make new posts. The posts will contain links to the artworks. The one exception to this is that sketches and doodles will be shared at my Discord server at first, in the #exclusives channel, but I will also compile them into a post here on Patreon at least once a month. 

(Discord is free and can be used in a web browser. Just create an account at  https://discordapp.com/  and follow the instructions here:  https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role- )

Rewards from tier $5 and up will be shared via Patreon's message system. Everyone with a verified pledge will be sent a message with links every time there are new rewards. You'll receive an email notification of new messages. Again, exception to this might be high resolution versions of art, which I might send as a compilation near the end of the month, if I plan to provide more than one per month.

Rewards from tiers $20 and up are handled on case-by-case basis, and I will be in contact about them as soon as I'm ready to handle them. For example, physical original sketches soon after the pledges have been processed, art requests during the first half of a month, poll contributions when I'm about to start a new poll, etc.

I will likely have a much more specific timetable for these once they become a routine for me.

Lastly, in case any new patrons are confused about the Legacy Archive, it's a compilation of links to content you will get access to once your total processed pledges reaches $30. You will then receive a message from me with those links. There will likely be other ways to buy the content in future too, but the cheapest and most complete way to get all the stuff is to just keep pledging until total of $30.

That's all for this update. Stay tuned for at least one more update before the pledge processing begins. :)



I'm gonna bump my pledge from 5 to 20 just for a month or two. Looking back through my emails I used to pledge to you but don't think I ever got charged before cancelling (not sure if it was because of 'per creation' or that I didn't realize they don't charge the 1st month immediately). You don't have to give me a sketch since it's temporary, just supporting one of my hentai sensei.


Thank you! Just pledging for a month or two at a higher tier is perfectly fine. I'll still be in contact about the rewards and we can sort that part out then. And regarding your possible former pledges, it is entirely possible you pledged during one of my hiatus months, which I usually had once or twice a year before.


Random question: how did you actually go about adding that mosaic censoring to the images for your Pixiv gallery? I've never learned how that's actually done.


There's a filter for it in openCanvas, so I just lasso the area I want to censor and apply the filter. Easy peasy. Not a surprise that there is one, considering openCanvas is a Japanese software, I belive. :P I would imagine most illustration software would have something similar though.