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So, I did some more thinking on how I'm pricing access to the Exclusive Content Archive in the future, and came to a realization that the way I'm doing the whole thing just doesn't work well in the long run. See, with the current way I'm doing things, if I allow access to everything posted so far, beyond reaching a certain total support amount, that just means that once a patron reaches that amount, they'd have access to everything in the archive... which would mean, for example, access to the $5 tier content, even if they have a tier $1 pledge only. So the old way creates a loophole to get stuff cheaper. That's not in my favor at all. I'm sure most people wouldn't exploit that, but some would, unfortunately.

So I'm left with a bit of a dilemma, what to do with the Exclusive Content Archive. Splitting the archive into tier-based editions was my first thought, but it would just create a lot of extra work for me, and wouldn't really solve the root issue of the problem.

What I'm currently considering is to stop the Exclusive Content Archive in its current form, and think of something else instead. Don't be alarmed about not having chance to see the old content though, I would still offer access to all the art released before June 2019 as a sort of 'legacy' archive, at the lifetime total support of $30 that I already spoke of earlier. It would be a true archive, if you will. But from June onward, there wouldn't be a continuous archive update for people with an X amount of lifetime total. Your pledge gets you the art and benefits for the month you are pledging, and that only. So if you want to see all the exclusive art from all 12 months of a year, have the corresponding tier pledged during each month. I already planned to do this with the high resolution works anyway. No freebies from months there was no support. Makes sense, right? You don't subscribe to a monthly printed magazine, then get all the magazines from previous years after you've been subscribed for three months or whatever. You just get three magazines, one for each month you're subscribed.

Another option could be to enable the Exclusive Content Archive updates just like before, with a certain, high enough pledge tier. But it would still allow paying a flat sum to access everything published before then, and could be exploited in the long run. Plus not a lot of people would probably choose to pledge at such a tier for more than one month at a time anyways... which is basically the 'exploit'. Pledging at a lower tier gets you the same art that the archive would have added the next month.

Whatever I choose to do, I need to make sure there are no loopholes that allow getting rewards from higher tiers at a lower pledge on regular basis. Perhaps I could offer the exclusive content from certain period, like a year, or half a year, as art packages you could purchase somewhere separately for a bit cheaper, or something like that, to those that want art from past periods they couldn't pledge at.

As usual, feedback and ideas are welcome. Maybe think of something together with Harmony. ;)

I'm off to sleep. Night shift behind me... Oh how I look forward to not having to do these anymore after Wednesday.



Purchasing the art standalone sounds like a good idea to me! I would certainly buy them.


Perhaps it would make sense to put the existing Exclucive Content into a single zip, then put that up on Gumroad or something for a $30 charge. then link to it from various places (and perhaps a monthly Patreon post to remind me patrons that it exists), so people know it's out there. Every existing Patron already has all that content, so they wouldn't have any need to buy the first pack. And you could then start building subsequent Exclusive Content packs, which you could put up on Gumroad and then also send them to patrons who've earned them, through Patreon messages.


(Wall of text) A lot of content producers put their archive of work behind a pay wall, and break it down according to time periods. Say, just for example yearly packages. Anyone new who wants access to the older material would need to pay a flat amount for just that period, this is the method id advise going forward, as once you're in the full swing of producing larger volumes of art on a consistent basis, this ensures your current patrons don't feel they're getting the short end, but new patrons don't feel locked out of content they want. Then price each archive total as if they were pledging the "default" amount all along. (60 or so a year). *Edited because grammar


That's pretty much what I had in mind, except I think I'd like to keep the legacy archive (art up to this point) available as a $30 lifetime total goal, exclusively, as extra incentive for new patrons to keep their pledges up, at least for the time being. Though I could possibly sell the archive separately too, at a slightly higher price, so it wouldn't diminish the appeal of the lifetime goal as much. Either way, selling art packs on Gumroad seems like the way to go with future in mind. Thanks for the feedback, as always. :)


That's pretty much the conclusion I've come to as well. Thanks for the feedback. :)