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Almost a week from last update, so here's a quick recap of what's up and what's coming.

Last Days at My Job

My last day at my job is on the 10th. Five days of work left. At this point I'm mostly just looking after a trainee who's going to learn my job and replace me. 80% of the time I'm just sitting back and nagging about mistakes, with the odd compliment to keep things balanced, lol. 

I still haven't quite wrapped my head around the fact that I'm really leaving a job of almost 8 years behind me. And to do what exactly? Draw butts? Yeah, this is gonna be an interesting summer.

But enough about that.  

Patreon Relaunch Plans

My current plan is to update my Patreon page with the new tiers, monthly fee, header image, etc, sometime soon after my last day of work. So possibly around 11-15th. I'll be mostly chilling out for the rest of May, keeping a short summer holiday, and giving everyone a chance to adjust their pledges, then from the start of June things should heat up on the art front as I start cranking out artworks, both my usual fare and some commissions. 

At first I will mostly do the commission workload outside of Patreon, but once the more eager clientele has been taken care of, I may open some commission tiers on Patreon too. There may be some at launch too, but if, and how many, is still undecided. If you're looking to commission me for an artwork, please hold off on contacting me until the start of June. I'm still working on the pricing of things, and have a backlog of commission clients from the past couple years that I'm giving priority to at first.

Exclusive Content Archive

Sometime in the coming days I'm also going to send out the exclusive content archive for the last time for $1 lifetime total, to anyone eligible. A couple of recently joined patrons will unfortunately be missing on this as they pledged after my last 'per creation' post, and thus weren't charged a pledge at the start of the month. I hope you'll stick around with the coming monthly payments though, as in the future the Exclusive Content Archive will still be available, with $30 lifetime total. Yes, the change from $1 to $30 is big, but there's probably 30 times the content compared to the time when I established the $1 price, years ago. It's time to update the price to match the amount of content, and to a more professional level in general, now that I'll be trying to do art for a living.

Chibi Harmony Doodle Update

As for the chibi Harmony doodles I showed in my previous post, I did couple more, colored all five of the doodles, and they'll be decorating the pledge tiers on the updated main page, and possibly on watermarks on public versions of my art. I may still need couple more though, for commission tiers and such. I don't want to spoil all the pics, but here's the very first doodle with some color:

Since these chibi pics are meant to be shown in fairly small scale and often without a proper background, I decided to go for thick dark lines. I think it works ok. The original Harmony designs had a more darker hair than in these, and I'm still a bit iffy if I want the hair to be this color on these chibis. What do you think? Should I tone down the hair to look more black-ish like in the original design, or let the chibis have a bit more saturated hair color? :p

Art Update

Lastly, if it wasn't obvious from all the above explanations, there likely won't be new art this month, aside from anything that I do for my Patreon main page. I'm saving all that creative energy for my June art explosion. ^^

Next update...

So, next update probably in a week or so, when I'll be at home, realizing that I won't be going to my usual job anymore. I bet it's gonna feel weird...



Awesome. Enjoy the time off and I look forward to the art to come. Also, I like the shade of purple she has here.


I'm wishing you absolutely nothing but the best Harmonist11. I've been lurking on your patreon now for a few months - but I've been following you for *years*. Hopefully I can snag you this June for a commission. >


Thanks. June and possibly July too are likely booked with all the backlog clients I have lined up, but after that I'll be available for new ones. Scheduling for those starts in June though, so send me a message in early June. :) I'll try to give patrons a slightly higher priority in queue.


I think chibi Harmony looks great with purple hair. :)