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The susness is apparent



Kyubey talking bout granting wishes. Shit we talking about a real wish or Jirachi from Pokémon style wish because buddy was stealing

Hasnain Khan



Just curious, what is the release schedule on this? Don't want the crew to overlook themselves just to give us magical girls lol


Idk what y’all talking about. This looks like a perfectly normal slice of life to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


I can’t wait for next week. 😃😃


So I hear the 3rd episode is what got a lot of people into this anime with the 3 episode rule. Can't wait to see. I'm just following the roshigang on this one.


I think they also said there is an after credits for that episode too so hopefully someone mentioned it to them


Lupa: what is this kids show shit Famous last words


next episode boutta go CRAZYYYYYYYYY

Bria A.

I can’t believe I watched this show when it was airing. (Or maybe the year after? Either way, over a decade ago lmao.) I hope if they like it enough they’ll watch the Rebellion movie

JonJon's Kooky Quest

I had no idea they were watching this. The way I dropped everything when I got the notification that said Madoka in it

J Man (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-17 06:50:47 The Grief Seed sucking darkness gimmick is from the Mangaka taking from Kamen Rider Ryuki. If they don't cleanse their gems they become witches. Which is what Ryuki did
2023-08-17 04:50:28

J Man (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-17 06:57:58 Watch Kamen Rider Ryuki on the side for this... You'll thank me later. Naya.si is the wae
2023-08-17 04:53:38

Greg Harrison

Not surprised to see people already denying or confirming. Potential spoilers above. Don't scroll up if you haven't watched it before.

Tavaris Trimble

I’m just trying to push spoilers down.

Greg Harrison

Yes you did, please edit your comment. You're confirming a theory, you're spoiling Madoka Magica.

Friendly Elites

The mystery aspect of Madoka is honestly the biggest appeal to the series, its the type of anime that only gets better and better on repeated watches. Rebellion takes it to an entirely different level, I've seen that movie easily 100 times and I can still notice small details and foreshadowing that I didn't notice before.


So, remember My Dress Up Darling (SN: please come back), the little Sailor Moon knockoff show Marin was watching, makes me realize how much the Magical Girl genre influences shows of its type.

Hans Wurst

The plot thickens...

Greg Harrison

Hey delete your first comment. You're spoiling both Madoka and Kamen Ryuki. Why spoil something you're trying to recommend?

Arkan Matlub

they had free slots so this is in. They’ll show us the schedule soon, monday probably


delete the spoiler, you're ruining it for everyone else

J Man

Hell yeah, Kamen Rider Ryuki!

Pan Cakes

Bro, this magic girl stuff is reminding me of Re:Creators. PLEASE GUYS YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT, ITS FREAKIN GOOOD


wait we watching madoka now?? nice




i need moar


this is surprising that its a trio reaction. this seems more like a duo reaction but im guessing down the line its gonna turn more into a trio style reaction?

Oh Alone

Btw, Madoka father is a full time househusband


I absolutely loved this series when it first came out. Also was the first time I got to see an anime movie inside a theater. Never thought i'd see that happening in the us back then.

Alexander Joseph Cruz

Roshi, it's funny that you bring up Senjogahara because her voice actress is voicing Akemi. I had to look it up cuz when she talked, I just heard the name Araragi kun and I had to know lol


I love Mami, she's just so strong and cool under pressure. She never loses her head...! ^_^

Alex cleveland

Legit dropped this show after watching ep 2. Never saw ep 3, so im excited to see what the hype is about. The show is def better than when I first watched it several years back lol

Marc Senécal

Well hopefully they don't read comments like my dumb ass cause I haven't seen the show but this seems like a straight up spoiler so thanks for that I guess. Not even close to being a subtle comment... Why comment this ?

Jamie See

I'm pretty sure there is a sequel movie you guys can watch after the season I think it's called rebellion or something like that.


I have never watched madoka, so i feel like you just spoiled me. Ofc i might just be overthinking ur comment but if not, then common. You couldve been a bit more subtle

Darion Wilson (edited)

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2023-08-17 23:13:37 there's a season 2 from 2021 and a final season from this year as well. yawl can't just stop at season 1 lol
2023-08-17 21:10:33 there's a season 2 from 2021 and a final season from this year as well. yawl can't just stop at season 1 lol

there's a season 2 from 2021 and a final season from this year as well. yawl can't just stop at season 1 lol

Arkan Matlub

How do I download these videos to watch offline? Is it possible?


Its crazy how people will spoiler in the comments when at the end of the video they literally make a joke about how they hate people spoilering in the comments. A portion of this fanbase is so dogshit.


I haven’t seen this show I’m interested but these comments are low key scaring me from watching it 😭


tbh that fear brewing will just make the whole show 20x better for you




the only thing they NEED to watch is rebellion tbh


Yeah, don't read the comments. This is just one of those shows that is ripe with people wanting to spoil.


I smell a bunch of spoiling ass bitches

miss millie.

this seems like a spoiler, and if it is, i really hope you suck a massive cock for that. <3

miss millie. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-18 06:41:40 SPOILERS ABOVE, DON'T READ &lt;3
2023-08-18 04:40:12 SPOILERS ABOVE, DON'T READ <3



You're an asshole for this one. Wish there was a like/dislike feature on Patreon to hide dumb comments like this. For now I'll just do a CTRL + F to find anything with the word "spoiler" and auto-skip these specific comments in the future. :)


What show? If your talking about madoka your right. It didn't win polls but it's still being watched

October Veil

Does anyone know the name of who did the soundtrack for this series? It reminds me of some of the music from an older anime called Noir.

Elden Lord

yuki Kaijura. And Yes I do believe she did some music from Noir