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The stand fuckery begins!



Wouldn't make sense to binge 12 episodes myself so I'll just watch it for the first time along with roshi and gang🦦


BTW, Joylne's stand is actually 'Stone Free'. Also you gotta love Roshi's reaction at 6:47. 😂

Noah Marshall

Not them bashing imagine dragons

Henry Le

Jojo Stone Ocean Episode 2 References and Notes: https://imgur.com/a/UYXFy1W

RavinFox .

That "bird" threatening moment with Roshi... I can't wait to seem the edited version lol Flawless timing!


Lupa jail is her adventure lmao

Henry Le

Yo that Intro is such a banger, but yall would need to rewatch it several times, cuz they got references from previous parts (Iggy, kakyoin, parts 1-5), its too long to write up.


Stone Ocean is just a shitty adaptation of the name. Her real stand name is Stone Free(Jimmy Hendricks song)


Two intros overall, but the second one always has multiple variations depending on what happens in the anime. Also, Jolyne's theme slaps.

Matthew Osteen

a lot of characters are named after fashion brands. Gwess is a play on Guess.


I don't think it's shitty. I think it's acceptable tbh, especially given the line she delivered. Also they did the same with with Gold Experience, as Golden Wind. At least it's close, and references the title. An example of an actual shitty copyright-free Stand name is "Zipper Man."


Yo thanks for the reply. I believe that Jolyne's stand name localization is shitty for a simple reason. They localized it so it has the opposite meaning now. Stone Ocean is her name for a prison and predicament she is in so she named her stand Stone Free so she could use it to break free from this stone ocean.


Yo Roshi's reaction to the bird killed me.


The true villain of this season is a metaphor for the american justice system Lmfao


The disrespect lol, why ya hating on imagine dragons? xD


whats the actual name for Jolyne's stand? I heard Stone Free

Robert L

Yo Imagine Dragons was dissed in the Hawkeye show lol


Pretty sure it's Stone Free, but they can't technically use it in the subtitles due to copyright from a Jimi Hendrix song. (Where it gets its name from.) So it's changed to Stone Ocean.


Gwess is literally just cioccolata

Devin B

Yeah Stone Free is the correct name, they did the same thing with Giorno's stand (Gold Experience), Narancia's (Aerosmith), and Buccellati's (Sticky fingers).


I dig that she sang Jolyne like the song when she captured her. That probably goin over a LOT of heads.

Daniel Turner

Yeah u gotta listen for the stand names not read them cause of the copyrights

James Ancester

"「Stone Free」to ride the breeze" "「Stone Free」to to do what I please" "「Stone Free」I can't stay" "「Stone Free」I've got to got to got to get away"


Roshi turned himself a bird with that scream!

Reckless Company

and i dont want the world to see me cuz i dont think that they understand - goo goo dolls

The Pebble

I doubt anything will beat when I first heard Freakin You in Part 5 as an ED, that still kinda blows my mind lmao

Retroactive Gamer

Lmao This is the first Jojo I've ever seen out of the new batch, I only saw 2-3 episodes out of the OLD ass version before 2012 and never really went back to it. So I decided to check out the first episode and I really love it, and usually I always watch a show then watch the reaction but this is fun to watch fresh this way. I know I'm watching it out of order but I love this so if this is any indication(and I'm sure it is from the way you guys are talking about it) I am going to love the other 4-5 seasons or whatever it is.

Weekly Flo

Fun fact, when the warden was giving them the briefing at the beginning of the episode. The male looking character is actually trans. They cut out a scene where theyre all being checked, when she had to strip, and Jolyne notices its a masculine body with a vagina and she doesnt say anything, but asks one of the guards I believe and they scold her for being ignorant lmaoo

Goku Kakarot

10:10 I hate how nobody noticed the chocolata and secco reference..


Yes but I believe he just tell her something about hormones injections rather than scolding her lol