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He literally got shot the second he moved from the wall, that’s why he told Jolyne not to move. That’s why they didn’t knock the guy out

Henry Le

Jojo Stone Ocean Episode 3 References and Notes: https://imgur.com/a/Fw5vLLv


Because the subtitles keep messing it up, her stand is called " Stone Free"

RavinFox .

Dat outro!


There are some problems with localization of names and copyright, so they can't use Stone Free in subtitles officially. They localized all names that can be easily traced back to an artist or song, primarily in part 4 onwards, but also in earlier parts to an extent (Ones like Tonpetty and Esidesi are more official changes to the original names). It's not the subtitle's fault either: if you look at the video games, they use the same localization; we've known Stone Free was going to be called Stone Ocean since at least 2015


yall ever heard of lil tampon?

Big Daddy Dre

You can literally hear her say stone free in English so there’s was no point for this comment 😂


they keep callin it stone ocean thats why im just clarifing


Fanservice for everyone. First Jolyne, then this dude. XD

Christopher M

Hey Lupa, as a person who Loves Metallica, I can confirm that I also have heard of the Goo goo Dolls, though, unlike Dwight, I know a couple of songs, not many, but still......


The coin thing I think was copper poisoning. Diarrhea, headaches, nausea, or if for really prolonged periods total liver failure.


That intro talking is so funny lol I always hope that Araki would name a stand after my favorite Japanese band "The yellow monkey" and want to know how that would be censored in the West😂


Even if you were blind you couldn't put your pants wrong way if it has zipper or buttons on the front. So that just means this guy isn't blind at all and is just fooling the guard.

Lance Isaac

My boi Dagger goated as always ⭐️. The JoBro