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This man said he gets stressed out and turns black lmao




fall ocean

Ah yes of course episode 21

Oui Oui

“What’s he trying to do?” Come on Lupa. He literally said what he was gonna do


Sheera with the "Gigantomania is coming this way!" lmfao. I wouldn't be surprised if she was spot on with that. XD


I've just accepted it at this point there could be a few reasons as to why they miss stuff this easily but o still enjoy the content so eh



Earphone Jack

This episode was really good! And now that I'm almost done reading MVA in the manga, I agree that BONES could have animated this arc better. But it's still good and I am enjoying it because seeing this arc in the anime is what actually got me to read it in the manga! Also Lupa made me laugh so hard when he told Roshi "I read the book!" at the end!


This episode was pretty good even though the animators didn't know whether shigaraki still had shoes or not lmao


Ohhhhh the pain in this episode is reeeeal

Adam salhi (starwarsguy)

Is there any way to watch your reaction to season 3 ep 11 I can’t find it anywhere


Yeah, Roshi, update the in video graphics from Episode 21 to 23


God, I always hated this chapter, it’s so fuckin’ sad, man. And don’t even get me started on the poor dog. 😭😭💔


A+ reaction.

Ara Araragi

Tenko's dad: "Heroes hurt their families!" *slaps Tenko* Tenko: "Wow, dad, then you must be the greatest hero of all time!"


Shiggy’s dad be like: Tenko did I just catch u playing heroes? Smack Tenko did I just catch u minding your own business? Smack Tenko did u just disintegrate my family? Smack


LMFAOO when lupa said “ I read the book “ to roshi 💀


I feel ya roshi, but it was good enough. Let the anime only's enjoy what they can of it; just hearing that the manga was better comes off to them like you're saying they have bad taste for having enjoyed the anime.


damn, this backstory always gets me... And I always read his itch as the first manifestations of his power, like irritation from him very slightly decaying his own skin - which makes it all the sadder cuz how would anyone tell that was a sign of him having that type of power smh


No one has still noticed the joke twice made about Dabi having a good plastic surgeon. That shit was hilarious.... wtf.....


I like how Tenko emphasized several times that his father built that house, from which he was suffering so much, only to destroy that very house along with killing his family. Also that Kazutora remark lmao.

Brianna Jenkins

as a manga reader myself, I just learned to accept it. It’s honestly just an adaptation to get people to buy the book anyways. I also understand Lupa & Sheera’s confusion. There was a lot happening to between trying to read and watch at the same time. Your reactions are always the best 🥰


Watching the reaction Roshi just be looking away from the episode and looking disappointed and tired for half of the reaction. I mean I get it manga readers know how screwed over this arc has got but at least try to enjoy what it has to offer. No point in fighting against it. The damage is already done. Edit: Before anyone else tries to say it I am not saying fake the reaction. Nowhere in my comment did I want him to fake his reaction. Can't believe I got a reply as soon as I made this comment talking about me wanting to fake his reaction and I assume they took it back cause they deleted it apparently.


As a manga reader, what they decided to do animation and story wise ain't that deep in my opinion, manga and anime will never be copy paste content, it's still consistent and great!!^^


I think the bigger disservice they did with this arc is cutting out a lot of good content that it originally has. Also MHA has had a standard where it really goes big on the bigger moments of the series and this wasn't up to par besides the flashback portion. The biggest disservice to the series is them doing another movie while they made production for season 5 just like they did with season 4. It just feels like the big monumental moment for the main antagonist of the series isn't being done as well as multiple other amazing moments the series has had prior to this season. But yeah if you don't think about what MVA could have been when compared to the manga it is still a decent arc. More impactful and appealing than the other two of this season which is why I think this season as a whole is definitely known as the worst season of MHA so far.

J. J.

What if Tenko really was quirkless and All For One gave him that quirk to break him emotionally then come in as a savior afterwards.


I’m over it. The backstory of Tomura has been the only mildly good part of this whole season besides the addition of Shinso. I feel like MHA is just getting worse and worse and I get they’re trying to build to something, but I just can’t get into it. I feel everyone else that watches and is a bit uninterested.


Amazing episode and great reaction, thanks again!


This season has been kinda boring for me so far. I don't read the manga but I have friends that do and they were hyping this arc up to me so I was expecting for them to go deeper into the villains backstories. There was some good moments here and there but I kinda feel like I got jebaited.


That’s a good take on Shiguraki’s itching Roshi but I always took him scratching as an effect of his decay quirk manifesting and the areas he’s touched on his body he unknowingly was slowly eating at his own flesh. Then as he got older it just became a habit. That was just my theory after reading that chapter anyway but I also got the same metaphor out of it as well


Ok question... what more did the anime not show that was so bad.. Shigi always had that ash decay look in anime what made ppl think it would be different... They showed a puddle of bloody body parts.. what more gore you looking for that was in the manga?? Did we read different chapters? . In adapting the chapter they did that. i feel like people were looking for and expecting more or extra when they have never given us that.


Well I don’t blame you. There’s actually more to their backstories in the manga that could’ve been animated and explained if they hadn’t spent most of the season on that training arc in the first 12 episodes. Like that whole thing could’ve been done in 2-3 episodes just to make the point that Deku was getting more quirks


OMG! This shit was wild! That backstory and intense music had me sweating


Semi-SPOILER (kind of, I think this was cut from the episode, but feels important) There was a guy who was with Tenko, in one of his flashbacks, who helped him get home. It's thought that that may have been AFO, giving Tenko a quick that would force him to be a villian and traumatize his family, just so he could torture Nana/All Might.

Justin Neason

Bro the directing this episode was WILD. Idk where they pulled the soundtrack from this episode but it hit WAYY different this episode. I had chills at one point, and I then I was just sitting there with my mouth open for the rest. That itch thing also took me a sec to understand, when Roshi said what the itch really was it made sense. Buddy told his mom "I only itch when I'm at home" when his mom was giving him medicine. Also It's crazy to me how Tenko's dad was like a Kota who never got over his resentment.

Solivigant Kaiba

5:45 Get in line spinner. The fans have been waiting too long.


Is that how evolution worked? I had no clue stress leads to different color skin lol


But now that I think about it, isn’t that a factor in octopus and chameleon camouflage. I think I played myself.


Imma agree with Sheera. I always call him giganto mania in my head.


Like 5 innocent humans turned to ash and you think the dog is the worst lmaoo. Animal loving scum




So are those actual hands he has on him, or is it his family's body goop shoved into gloves lmao

Jmooth Sazz

imagine the mental toll that has on a child, i haven't felt this bad for an antagonist in a while, gg mha lol


It's all nanas fault.... that line killed Me 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Twice: I'll make a double and do a blood transfusion. Lupa: But what is he trying to do?

Jdogzero Silverblade

the guy who pokypined spinner btw was from episode 1 of the entire series. he was talking with deku during the villan fight with mt lady and kamui wood. was going to call him morning wood btw XD


hes not, that guy was in the latest manga chapter, hed be dead if he was here


This episode made my stomach hurt, i finally understand how lupa feels 😂

Dalton Skaggs

I think that a lot of people are missing the point of the villain academia arc; it's not just showing the Villains gaining power but also showing that more than being Villains they are human beings. Tenko Shimura's origin isn't all about his ability manifesting, but about how the abuse he suffered from his father, the little help he had from the rest of his family, as well as society's neglect and All For One's influence made Tenko from a sweet kid who admired heroes into a villain who wants everything destroyed. Nana Shimura didn't abandon her son Kotarou (tenko's father) because she favored the hero life more than being a mother, she left to protect him from All For One who would hurt him to get to her. Kotarou's abandonment issues made him develop negative views of heroes and projected those views onto Tenko through scolding, abuse and eventually violence. Out of all the Villains of MHA I empathize with Shigaraki most, if society had helped him when he needed it most, then he wouldn't have become a villain. Stain was right when he said that they're society needed to change, because Shigaraki is proof of what happens when it neglects to help someone in need when a true hero isn't around. I think that if Deku had been born earlier he would have been the right person to help tenko from his hell. The parallels between the two are strong; from they're troubled childhoods and admiration of heroes to being groomed to succeed they're respective mentors. Even their appearance at times is similar, which is quite interesting. Both are reflections of each other; the Light and Dark that they're society cultivated.

Sheraya san

I’m kinda tired of manga readers being down on everything

Jaime Ruiz

Hey not our fault the anime has been fucking garbage. Read the actual manga and try and understand why we are upset. The amount of censorship, and cut content is aggravating.

Jaime Ruiz

I don’t understand what’s so confusing about this episode? It all makes sense…

Jay rellim

im a manga reader and tbh i'd give the manga version of this arc like 8/10 and the anime version 6.75/10. like yeah, I too was hoping the anime budget would *elevate* the experience so it's tough that it isn't as good as the manga... but it's not THAT BAD in comparison lol

Karsten Hase

Trumpet is not at all like P.M.´s Quirk he is just damn loud ... its more like La Bravas "LoveBoost"


That was my thought as well- the scratching being an effect of his quirk developing (or, if the "AfO gave Tenko decay" theory is right, an indicator that his quirk doesn't quite fit his body). Grown Shiggy seems to be rationalizing his itching the way Roshi did, but I really don't think Tenko intended to kill anyone until his dad hit him with the tree cutter (and even then, idk that a 4 year old has a solid enough understanding of death). He was scared and reaching out to them for help without understanding that his hands were the problem.


As far as we know AFO had nothing to do with this tragedy right?


This man turned into Ken Kaneki at the age of 5 sheeesh


I think we've seem the villains humanized plenty before now, tbh? We saw them upset when Magne was killed, Shigaraki opening up to his ragtag group, were encouraged to root for them in their back-and-forth with Overhaul, and knew that Shigaraki had been exploited by AfO because of his connection to AM. MVA is Shigaraki's turning point of going from having everyone tell him that he can't *just* destroy shit and he needs to have some kind of goal to build towards (Stain, Overhaul, and now ReDestro have all told him something along those lines) to his telling them all "I *have* a plan: Destroy Shit". Society's "neglect" doesn't have much to do with the Shimura family disfunction IMO- it's culturally pretty typical in Japan for the father/head of the household to basically run his household as he sees fit (which is part of why Japan has trouble dealing with domestic abuse cases- the government REALLY doesn't want to tell people what they can't do in their own homes). "Keep your head down, don't cause trouble" is a *very* Japanese way of dealing with things, and Idk that a Shonen battle manga is going to try and dismantle that. Even here with the Shimuras, we see his mom and grandparents confront Kotaro after his episode, where he admits he went too far, seems to be starting to work through his issues with Nana, and acknowledges his wife's ultimatum that this can't happen again. Which doesn't mean it's "fixed" or anything, but it does suggest the situation isn't completely unsalvageable until "decay" goes haywire and kills everyone. The problem with Stain's ideology in relation to Shiggy's backstory is that Stain is focused on the imperfect Heroes, not the civilian bystanders. Stain's view is *extremely* black and white- you're either a "True Hero" a la All Might, or you're a "Fake" and must be purged- if you want to do Good, you must be Perfect. Stain wanted more All Mights, when "All Might" is a standard even All Might can't live up to, and when the sense of security created by All Might is the reason civilians have gotten complacent and disengaged.


yo Sheera hit that mom voice when she said "go inside!"


roshi telling us to read. no respect for how hard it is to pick up a damn book.


Soundtracks are from Yuki Hayashi who has been the main guy doing MHA soundtracks since it started. He made a few OST's dedicated to the MVA arc. Unfortunately they aren't being used to their best potential and where he initially wanted them to be placed. For example a soundtrack for Curious (the journalist lady) wasn't used at all for her even though it fit her character perfectly and was pretty much made for her but they ended up using it in the next episode. Some of the soundtracks are being used properly like in this episode for example but some of them aren't. If you want to listen to them you can just look up one of the names of the soundtracks. The soundtrack made for shigaraki is called "Symbol of fear". The music leaked a couple of months ago. A channel actually uploaded all of the soundtracks on youtube. So just search up symbol of fear MVA and it should pop up.

Peony 三色団子

Tomura's father did hit Tomura when he went out of control, but Tomura's father was still trying to stop him. His education went too far. This terrible event was caused by his fault. But given his background, I can't blame him.

Candice Blair

I'm in the minority but as a manga reader, I didn't really care about MVA. I was ready for it to get back to the heroes when I was reading the manga.


@19:25 if anyone wants a reference. I didn't think much of it on first watch, but she absolutely did lol

Earphone Jack

I started reading the manga at chapter 263 and I didn’t go back and read MVA because I wasn’t interested in the villains. It was actually the anime that got me to go back and read it because I got so hype watching it lol.


Its simple love your kids so they don't kill everyone
