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This shit is wild



Oh yeah ready for this🙏🏾


This is when the show truly begins, I read the manga because I was curious about the story progression and it’s insane I can’t wait for y’all to see!


Naoto: so you telling me that she started crying and then you ran away and left her alone!?!

iiSauce 2much

When I tell you this ep had me have so many emotions


After I saw this episode I had to read the manga

Big Daddy Dre

Bruh i honestly think somebody is jealous of hinas and takemitchi relationship that’s why they keep targeting them 🤔


Welcome to plot twist revengers

Prof. Walker

He needs to learn how to Fight! And pay attention to the warnings!!


Lol these type of mc never learn to fight, so you gotta deal with it


If you pay attention you can see the hummer following them since they left the apartment

kevin (btw i'm a girl)

I feel like hina would’ve died anyway whether in the car or maybe in her apartment. It was bound to happen. Plus it’s not takemitchy fault he’s a character with no free will the creator made him this way. And even if he does man up it doesn’t mean he gonna automatically become better at fighting

Jerry Hernandez

I literally started the manga and finished it the day after this episode just cause this one really brought the waterworks lmao, I couldn’t resist after that

iiSauce 2much

I think some people miss the point of Takemichi when they tell him to train first he doesn't have enough time to waste training because time moves the same in the past and present and he could miss a vital date second even if he was to train he would still never be able to fight like them they have been fighting since they were kids and basically are superhuman I've read the manga btw and although you wanna see Takemichi fight like all the big people in the group I feel like later on y'all are going be hype for him as well he's one of my favorite if not my favorite in the series


If Takemitchi keeps fucking around he's gonna end up just as depressed as Subaru


i was just thinking this lmao. noata finna be pissed after he hears he left her alone to get hit by a truck


I love that they were showing the black hummer a couple times here. Good foreshadowing lol

yasmina C

LUL at Lupa it will be fixed by s2 -- that's like saying Subaru should have been married with Emilia and fixed everything in s2 as well xDDD

Mohan Karnati

Yeh I was thinking abt Misaki being on the terrace too but then I thought a bit more and realized that if akkun dies here that means that conversation on the roof never happened so there was no way kisaki would have known in this timeline so I don't think it's him playing tva here but I could be wrong time shit is screwed man


But why not kill them separately too, that’s something that bugs me. Or if someone does know about Takemichi, then kill him first. Is there some kind of reason?

Alex cleveland

I really liked the long discussion u guys had for Tokyo Revengers!!!! Would love to see more longer discussions on yalls take to the eps because I love ur guys takes fr


The real questions: Why are they targeting Takemitchi and Hina? Why does Kisaki use Desperately want to kill them at this given year? I’m sensing some 100IQ plays and really good character plot dynamic between Kisaki, Hina, and Takemitchi


Takemitchi going thru the same shit Meliodas and Subaru went thru. That’s what I call character development.


But keep in mind Naoto and Takemitchi retain their memories when they alter time, maybe Kisaki does too?


Quick Points of interest: If Kisaki is part of Toman, that means Hanma is part of Toman. Why did they allow him to join? Kisaki is targeting Takemitchi and Hina, did his douche past self do anything against him? Does Kisaki retain his memories after reset? Why did Takemitchi break up with Hina? Where is Mikey? Why is Akkun tasked with killing Takemitchi?


Geezus did that last scene turn into a snuff film, and, in retrospect, in several other moments in the season. I was easily as anxious as Lupa. Like this whole happy time shit is a facade 2/3 of the time.


Dude went through all that just to change akkun's hair...


Your first question is going to get answered in the next half, the rest of them hopefully I’m season 2 and season 3


I’m so happy I binged the whole manga to the current chapters, shit is about to get wild! One thing I will say is, and this is just something I thought about, but when Naoto got the phone call to come into work, I think Kisaki has some inside men at the precinct that got Naoto to come in and leave those two alone. Pretty crazy so far and I’m excited to see the episodes going forward and your reactions to them.


If yall rewatch you’ll see them being followed when they were in the car when they left Hina apt


Goddamn man. That pained "Aishiteru" hit hard.


The story gets even better from here

kurumi Tokisaki

Bruh shouldve just put a brick on the pedal smh. and if cry baby ass doesnt get some bodies after watching his girl and best friend roasting infront of him ,idk


i need to know why kisaki is targeting takemichi its so obvious hes targeting him and hinata too but like WHY??

Uriel Batuk

I agree 100% with Lupa-san. The man need to fight, in Re:Zero I hated seeing Subaru dying all the time but at least he was trying. I know Subaru has Return by death that's why it's different but I seriously hope Takemichi work on himself and stop being scared all the time. I will probably start reading the manga though, it's becoming hard to wait.


I don't know the story so this is purely speculation, but it seems Akkun is being punished by being the one to do it. Pretty sure Akkun is a dead man tasked with killing his friend and himself.

Runner Up

I mean to be fair, the man did take a knife to the hand and has a scar to prove it. He's definitely trying, maybe just needs to change the approach and strengthen his resolve yeah. Not sure about learning how to fight because it's not like he has much time in between these incidents that he's trying to change, unless you mean like fight using his brain or something, in which case 100% agree. If he plays it with his brains he can pull it off, but there's no way he's learning how to fight these people in such a short amount of time lol


Tokyo Re; Zero


I really hope it doesn't do some bullshit and he manages to save her at the end and she lost feelings or smth. I'd be so heated lmao


This season is 24 episodes right?


Dont worry, it's gonna be explained, not soon tho, maybe season 2 or 3.

Devin B

I actually had a crazy thought after hearing these guys discussion. Like these guys said I think maybe Kisaki does have some kind of idea that Takemichi can time travel to the past and he is worried he can change something to not make him in charge of Toman anymore. Now the reason I think they're going after Hina is maybe they know that Takemichi needs someone as a catalyst to time travel and they might just be assuming that it's Hina which is why they want to kill them both to make sure no one can time travel.


I got caught up in the manga last week it gets even better


lupa...my guy...there’s over 200 chapters and it’s ongoing, time travel is a bitch it won’t be solved that fast 🤣

Damion Middleton

This Episode of Tokyo Revengers is brought to you by…PAIN

Kameron Renae

Bruh this episode had me tight. But I knew it was too good to be true. I need to read the manga


Bruh I hate how you guys foreshadowed the truck the whole episode I’m done😂😭

Joel Braaten

Tokyo Revenger only gets better from here. Takemichi has so much growth, he's my favorite character in the series.


idk how his thought process after constantly hearing "KISAKI THIS KISAKI THAT" is "IMA BECOME THE GANG LEADER" No mother fucker you travel back and Clap Kisaki??? how is this not obvious lol.


If he kills someone, doesn't that mean when he comes back to the present, he's going to be in jail??


Im surprised Roshi or Sheera didnt notice the truck following them the entire episode


I have just realized they have been watching 3 shows about time travel (vivy, loki and tokyo revengers)


ok i have 2 theorys. 1. this is gonna be the case where timeline has a way of correcting itself, like no matter what he does, it all goes back to how things were meant to be. altho this would make the show not have a happy ending since everyone just dies regardless lol 2. Kisaki is also able to time travel and he goes back and makes it so things work out in his favor.


That Hummer was following them all the way through that trip btw

Jericho Fostse

i just relized this got the same vibes as re zero instead of the main character dying its everyone else he has to save


I think that he thinks Hina is the source of his power that why he keeps my tying to kill her he doesn’t know it’s her brother

Matthew Osteen

wouldn't it be crazy if Kisaki and Hanma had the reverse of Takemichis power. So whenever they shake hands Kisaki goes 12 years into the future from the past. That would explain why he waited 12 years before trying to kill both of them. Probably wrong but something is fishy about this. Almost like someone is playing counter to Takamichi's involvement.

John Nesbitt

I got impatient and started reading the manga a few hours ago. I regret nothing and definitely ready to see these next episodes and arc.

JunpeiFES .

My exact thoughts, probably Kisaki is trying to achieve some power and takemichi still getting in the way so they both keep messing around time until they found out about their true powers. Or there is someone else who wants to kill takemichi so he does not go back in time to mess whoever this persons future. Or the most obvious thing, after going back several times, he will realize he cannot change the future. Hina is meant to die and akkun too so probably drakken will die soon in that future event. There is no escape from reality. Man, i like this show lol


Lupa’s “Jesus Christ” had me dead laughing. Idk why😂😂

Gabriel Garcia

Nah. I'm going back in time with the blick and popping Kisaki on sight


I think season 2 is coming out next year.


Takemichi's revenge after he becomes gang leader will be putting kisaki through his childhood, put this fool up in fight club constantly and then finishing him off himself with a good batting practice


Naoto’s life in the past doesn’t really change because he is doing all the same things as a kid that he did in the original timeline. Takemichi is involved with Toman and changing things within those characters life but that doesn’t effect child naoto therefore it doesn’t effect naoto’s life as adult either.


Bruh the MC in this ep was epically stupid, like the way he behaves around Hina made 0 sense.


Lupa saying man up when the littlest things startle him into a high pitched scream

rickie woodson

its not as complicated as you guys are making it lol he changed the past so hina never died and etc etc so a new timeline exists, one where he never went back in time so he was not gone from his job for a week so he never got fired and never went to naoto's place to be at when he returns to the present

rickie woodson

so go back in time and kill kisaki bam problems solved! no need for an episode 13

Lupa is Dadi

04:44 or she's- or she's what??? Mf cut it off to early lol

Lupa is Dadi

Roshi clapped 😂

Oscar Barcelo

i thought it was weird that that hummer kept showing up in all the frames, showed it pass by like four times