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what a cliffhanger!



In mythology Loki fucks a bunch of animals and also turns himself into animals that other people have sex with. He also has children which are a horse, a giant snake and a couple of wolves. A bit of both is an understatement

Boomerang Guy

Magic doesn't work in the TVA, the guard didn't block it.....Loki's magic not working wasn't because of the collar. It just flat out doesn't work, like the stones.

Charles Darcy

very exposition filled episode but lays a lot of ground work for later and character dynamics

Charles Darcy

Kang isnt getting his own movie hes gonna be the villain in Ant Man 3 which comes out February 2023


I’m 100% positive the female Loki is Enchantress. She just has a different backstory in this show than in the comic books but she has the same name and similar powers


Lmao I just noticed me and Roshi shop at the same shirt company culture crew I just copped that shirt 🔥🤙🏼

Big Daddy Dre

I think they are gonna just fuse lady Loki and enchantress together into one character like they’re doing in shang-chi with the mandalorian and fu manchu

Big Daddy Dre

It’s hilarious to see roshi argue something because he thinks he’s right but be wrong as hell😂😂

Charles Darcy

that was not bill murray lmao. just some random rich dude on the train who got those guards to bother loki

Solivigant Kaiba

How did Loki LOSE to the Avengers?!?!?!? HOW!?!? I know MCU Loki is weaker than comic book Loki but this is some bs.


Their powers just literally don't work there. It's a magic block, not the collars specifically. Dude didn't block the enchantment, it just fizzled out so she had to go hand to hand. easy to miss tho!

Sheron Taylor

Omg yo my brain hurts!!! Too many eggs this Easter !!!


Lupa was right that it was the place that was preventing her powers from working. They said in episode 1 or 2 that magic and other powers don’t work there. Even the infinity stones. So she did attempt to use her powers on that guard, but it didn’t work. Edit: I see they figured this out.

David OOO

Bill Murray!? On today's issue of clapped in the comments haha


That was a world record “yeah” by Lupa😂😂


I feel like Female Loki never came to the TVA before because she should have known her powers don't work there. I guess she got all her info. from the people that went after her.


look at our budget


Sylvie's voice reminds me of Lenore from Castlevania. Mayb its just the accent

Fin brotherson

If clapped in the comments was a person… If ykyk


Loki is in mythology the Mother of an 8 legged horse that Odin uses as a steed.


By the way, it was the mind stone that let Loki mind control people, not the Blue Cube. The mind stone was in his scepter.


I still think it’s a ploy by Loki in the end. And Also Kang the Conqueror is one of the Timekeepers. I think they are all just slaves. Don’t forget this show got renewed for a season 2. So I can’t wait


One more thing. The part where Loki smashes a glass and says “Another!” Is a reference to the first Thor movie, where Thor smashes a coffee mug on the ground and says, “Another!”


There’s a theory going around that the TVA exists in the Quantum Realm. Why? Because the Ant Man movie will have Kang the Conqueror in it, who is one of the Timekeepers in the comics (also looks like him from the statue at the beginning of the episode). If you go back to the Antman 2 scene of the Quantum Realm where you meet the mother, you can see a city in the background. Time moves differently in both locations. THIS ALL LEADING UP TO MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS AND OTHER FILMS! Then we see FANTASTIC FOUR. MCU goated


The Quantum Realm was used by the Avengers in Endgame also

Beef Gristle Mill

Loki singing in Asgardian was awesome, it sounded like a song or 2 in King Arthur legend of the sword, which I feel is really good movie.


They knew it never took off. They were hoping that they could do something to prevent it from not taking off.


Mobius was really an Owen Wilson variant who never went into acting like he was supposed to.


So... Have any one notice that they keep saying enchanting or Enchant..... Like Enchantress from the comics.... Also..... Her name is Sylvie the enchantress name is Syl.....Wait a damn minute.


Mobieous about be like Roy from Young Justice with the mole situation lmaooo


😅😂😂Bill Murray!?!?


Yes somebody else notice! also that might be BIG SPOILER...


Kinda surprised no one mentioned Aqua's Nature's Beauty when Loki did his firework trick. Konosuba was forever ago, y'all have done so many shows you know.


Sylvie didn't know why the Ark never left, she just knew that there were no survivors. There could have been a number of reasons why the Ark never left in time. Why would she even try to save the Ark if she already knew a meteor was going to blast it to pieces?

Tim Chaos

I was wondering about the TVA too but on second thought they’re probably quite busy with the sacred timeline bombing from last episode 😬


she knew that the arc never left "because it gets destroyed" as she said, it doesn't leave in time so it consequently gets destroyed before it can ever lift off. She tried to save it because it had never had variant interference before, she thought there was a chance that if they managed to hijack it they could make it leave earlier and thus prevent its destruction. They are variants which means they can change the way time is supposed to go and alter outcomes (like potentially saving the arc)


I can't wait for mobius to have his "i was the mole" moment


I don't know, it just doesn't feel like loki is too worried about the planet being destroyed. It's like he has his own plan in the works. The whole time i was wondering why they're just walking through a planet that's about to be destroyed while chatting about other stuff


i think the tva is located in the the quantum realm, remember in avengers endgame the only reason scott survived the snap was because he was stuck down there, also thats the only place they've said time moves differently besides the tva. also since "ant man 3 quantumania" has kang the conqueror as its antagonist makes sense.


also since scott was stuck down there in infinity war/endgame during the snap that means the stones don't work there


It wasn't the collar that blocked Loki's power, they explained in Ep 1 that magic just doesn't seem to 'exist' in the TVA, which is why the infinity stones don't work too, and why Sylvie's power didn't work at the start of this episode.


2077 is also the year of Fallout's nuclear apocalypse.


They're going to have to save the people on the moon to create Variant energy and lure the TVA in. Just one person. That's all they need.


And they both go around claiming to be either a god or a goddess!


Loki is gender and appearance fluid, so there is no one "true" form of Loki.


In marvel the Loki’s are gendered.

Quinton Campbell

i was wondering why C-20 had dreads in the first place. if that one guy didnt know what a fish was, C-20 wouldnt know about dreads, thus, memory wiping

Quinton Campbell

oh and Mobious definitely explained why he was into jetskies


Bro Sylvie hot af


They knew the ark would get clapped just not how, and they had literally said prior that their reasoning for still trying to get on it was that they were a outside variable on this planet so maybe they would have been able to make it have made it off the planet this time instead of having it go how it was supposed to have played out


The tesseract didn't enchant people, it was the mind stone if I'm not mistaken. Tesseract = Space stone


Right, Loki already had the mind stone in his scepter and used it to steal the space stone from SHIELD and turn their agents. Then, SHIELD kept the mind stone (HYDRA stole it afterwards) and Thor kept the space stone.


we used to be kangs


I realize this is an old reaction but couldn't loki just call himself to asgard?


Well, old comment, but this is the answer: Asgard was destroyed in ragnarok.