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Episode 7 so soon after 6, thanks 👍


Just pausing ep to come write that the little boy at the start is one of the current captains (1st Division). He's the one wearing the flowered kimono + "once they see his body" - that aged well! finally, there were 2 foreshadowings in this episode, 1 of them too subtle but still there! they will both be revealed in the forthcoming episodes.


The special art on ending 7 is so good it's a shame you skipped it but oh well. The boy at the beginning of the episode was Shunsui (captain with the flower pattern kimono). You would think that nothing could beat the last 2 episodes but just wait.

נדב מאור

The reason Yhwach called ichigo my son is because Yhwach is also considered the father of all the quinces


Next chapters there is gonna be a lot of info, new stuff and old stuff that has been foreshadowed. Just a heads up


Little boy is Shunsui, flower captain. And Yhwach calls all Quincies his sons/daughters.


As many have pointed out, Yhwach didn't mean his son literally. He is thousands of years old lmao, cmon now.